
The Projective unitary irreducible representations of the Galilei ...

Local and global equivalence of projective representations

notion of equivalence class of irreducible unitary projective representations of ... including the Poincar~ and Galilei groups. Of course, the wave ...

A Guide to the Bargmann Mass Superselection Rule - PhilSci-Archive

Thus, any proper irreducible unitary representation of HG will coincide with the representation of some HGm. The use of central extensions of the Galilean group ...

s theory and the true representations of the Galilei group

The unitary irreducible representations of. N are one-dimensional and given by. (a, v I p, q) = exp. i (p. a + q. v). (2). They are characterized by two ...

Unitary Representations of the Poincaré Group | The n-Category Café

Interestingly, many physically interesting irreps of the Poincaré group are closely related to finite-dimensional, nonunitary irreducible ...

From $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Galilean superparticle to three ... - OUCI

D.R. Grigore, The projective unitary irreducible representations of the Galilei group in (1+2)-dimensions, J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996) 460 ...

Appendix A The Symmetry Representation Theorem

In the following pages, these unitary, irreducible, nontrivial projective representations of the Galilei group will be called, for short, "physical representa-.

Classical particle systems: I. Galilei free particle - EHU

In the present work we are concerned with Galilei systems, for which in the quantum version the projective unitary irreducible representations are characterised ...

Coherent states and projective representation of the linear canonical ...

independent wayan explicit realization of a projective unitary representation of the symplectic ... irreducible representation of the Weyl commutation rela-.

Introduction to representation theory - MIT Mathematics

3.6 Unitary representations. Another proof of ... irreducible representations of A, and Wi are all the irreducible representations of B.

Nonrelativistic limits of colored gravity in three dimensions

The three-dimensional nonrelativistic isometry algebras, namely Galilei and Newton-Hooke algebras, are known to admit double central ...

Non-Commutative Mechanics in Mathematical & in Condensed ...

Grigore D.R., The projective unitary irreducible representations of the Galilei group in 1+2 dimensions, J. Math. Phys., 1996, V.37, 460-473, hep-th/9312048 ...

Models for the irreducible representation of a Heisenberg group

According to the Stone von Neumann theorem, H admits an irreducible representation with the tautological central character (defined up to a non-unique ...

The Galilean Group and the Classical Limit of Nonrelativistic ...

realists propose is not among the projective unitary representations of the Galilei group. This would correspond to represent the group with the identity ...

Group Representations in Physics∗ - Fachbereich Mathematik

(d) spacetime symmetries = invariance under Galilei or Lorentz transformations, ... (ii) The matrix elements of unitary irreducible ...

Projective and spin representations - University of Alberta

So what this means is that all irreducible projective representations of SO(3) S O ( 3 ) come from ordinary irreducible representations of SU(2) ...

On Some Unitary Representations of the Galilei Group I. Irreducible ...

Abstract: The true irreducible unitary representations of central extensions GM of the Galilei universal covering group G and hence the physical representations ...

Transforming Representations of SO(3) to Act on Vectors?

There I treat the representations of the Galilei group in quite some detail, particularly the question, in which sense there are only "true ...

A complete characterization of phase space measurements

Now we come back to the Galilei group G and to the projective unitary ... /H is the canonical projection. The irreducible projective representation U lifts to an ...

Classical particle systems. I. Galilei free particle -

... representation space of a projective unitary irreducible representation of G. Projective unitary representations are equivalent to true unitary representations ...

Projective Representations of the Poincaré Group

So our strategy will be to pass on to the universal cover and classify all unitary irreducible representation and come back to Poincaré group using some ...