
Toward an optimal culling strategy for beef cattle herds

Determining replacement rates for your herd: How many to keep and ...

Determining replacement rates for your herd: How many to keep and cull? Dr. Brandi Karisch – Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Mississippi State University.

Culling Strategy: Should She Stay or Go? | Pipestone Veterinary ...

The key is to have a strategy and to be consistent, as difficult as that may be. If you have to opportunity to cull aggressively, or you're in a situation where ...

Selection and Culling: Picking Genetics for your Cattle Breeding Herd

The genetic selection of your beef cattle breeding herd is a two-part process: ... The process of choosing the best beef cattle breeds to match your climate and ...

Culling - An Interesting Article |

Economically important traits must lead the way, but some, like temperament, will always be a judgment call. The simplest approach is to work ...

How To Avoid Culling Your Cattle Herd - Redd Summit Advisors

The decision to cull a significant portion of your herd is never easy; it's typically the result of having your bottom line stuck between a rock and a hard ...

Optimising the Cow Culling Decision in Beef Herds -

And what is the. optimum age to cull and replace cows under each culling policy for dUferentbreeds and different pasture types? These are the questions to which ...

Strategic culling for cowherds to cope with drought or high feed costs

A herd projected with a weaning rate of 90% achieving 550 lb weaning/calf was run through the model for five consecutive years (2022 to 2026).

Optimal culling strategy in relation to biological and economic ...

Culling is important in managing cow–calf production systems because cow longevity and the carcass yield have major effects on profitability.

How long does it take to raise a beef cow for slaughter? - Quora

Cows that are slaughtered are adults that were kept as a brood cow or a dairy cow and are no longer productive, so they are culled. Bulls would ...

Guidelines for Culling Cows – and Other Livestock | On Pasture

However, some culling needs to be done each year to maintain optimal productivity. Records on each cow's yearly production would be beneficial ...

Cattle Business in Mississippi – April 2006 “Beef Production ...

Appropriate times to cull cows from the herd depend on the reasons behind the culling. ... best time to remove cows from the herd. During ...

Strategic Culling Methods | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter - U.OSU

Guidelines for Culling include: open/loss of calves, late calvers, genetics/herd performance records, old cows, and physical quality checks ...

Dynamics and Strategies for Culling in a Dairy Herd

Culling dairy cows from the lactating herd and replacing them with heifers are essential to maximize herd profitability.

Culling | Page 2 | - Cattle, Cow & Ranching ...

The boss and I spend countless hours discussing strengths and weaknesses within our herd then try to address the weakness without sacrificing ...

Cull or keep? Factors to consider when culling cows

Once you have your herd fertile and the cows breeding back on schedule, then you can start culling on other attributes. Preg-checking a cow with ...

Culling requires a strategy | The Western Producer

Andrea Hanson, beef extension specialist with Alberta Agriculture, said the first step in culling decisions is to develop a strategy, which is ...

Culling decisions and marketing cull cows - Ag Proud

When expenses increase or feed supplies are short, cattle producers often sell more cows or heifers in order to generate enough income to pay ...

Feeding Your Culls May Be An Effective Marketing and ... - Beef Cattle

If producers want to add value to their culled animals, they need to make sure the animals are healthy and sound. It is best to use cattle ...

Culling Considerations for Beef Females - |

One of the toughest decisions for producers to make is to when to pull the trigger to cull or sell off breeding animals from their herd. Often ...

Managing the beef breeder herd in southern Western Australia

... to optimise the market value of their cull cows ... There are several factors to consider when determining an optimal herd replacement strategy.