
What is a Real Ale anyway?

Cask ale in America, circa 1997 - Appellation Beer

Then they call beer conditioned in a keg “cask beer” when it is drawn through a handpump. Though it is easy to cut the tube in a Hoff-Stevens keg so that the ...

Coopers real ale vs pale ale - DIY Brewing Blether

... Anyway i noticed that there are 2 different labels on the real ale cans. One has a reddish burgandy banner behind the real ale writing the ...

Interpretation of real ale? | The Homebrew Forum

To me "real ale" was simply beer that remained in contact with its yeast right up to the point of serving. That meant conditioning by its yeast, ...

What is “Farmhouse Beer,” Anyway? - Wine Enthusiast

“[They can have] relatively strong, low carbonation, kind of like English cask ale, usually on the sweetish side, often brewed with juniper ...

Down with Craft Beer! - Oh Good Ale -

Orval is bottle-conditioned, hence real ale. Phil on 30 November, 2010 at 10:17 am. Don' ...

The Beer Heard 'Round the World - All About Beer

Or was it 1970? The CAMRA (CAMpaign for Real Ale) began in England in 1970, as British beer lovers were alerted to the fact that their large ...

Seeking clarity on cloudy beer – Guest Columns

For those of us brewing “real” ale (conditioned in the container – cask, keg or bottle – with live yeast) we pass our babies on to the ...

What Even Is Real Beer Anyway? - Westbrook Brewing Co. - Untappd

What Even Is Real Beer Anyway? (Westbrook Brewing Co.)'s List of Photos on Untappd.

Real Ale - Preference or Dogma? - Pete Brown

When it comes to British brewed craft beer, by their constitution they have to champion 'real' or cask conditioned ale. Given that, it's quite ...

Brew Britannia by Jessica Boak and Ray Bailey | The Good Stuff

Focusing – to me, anyway- on the people behind the beer rather than 'the numbers' is the real ace in the pack, however. Peter Austin, Sean ...

Pete Brown: why it's time to say no to bad cask ale

I have a terrible confession to make – terrible for someone with my CV anyway. I've mostly stopped drinking cask ale. This may seem tantamount ...

real ale in corny keg - Home Brew Forum - Jim's Beer Kit

Technically, once I get to the correct pressure, and cool down to roughly 50-52F and serve via beer engine, my interpretation is that this is ...

It's real ale, Jim, but not as we know it - The Pub Curmudgeon

A beer not meeting that definition, for brewing, storage and dispense, by definition is NOT real ale. The majority of French and Belgian ales, ...

So what is beer, anyway? | Brew/Drink/Run - Connect Savannah

In fact, ales and lager are both types of beer. Their defining characteristic is the yeast used in the fermenting of the beer. Fermenting is the part of the ...

Craft: The Lost Word - Boak and Bailey

(Definition 1.) Sure, you could pick holes in it, but it was a broad, inclusive buzz-phrase that had room for cask ale, lager, Belgian beer ...

“Turn Again Whittington” – “No Thanks Beer's Better up North!”

London, as with the whole of the UK has many fine cask ales from all over the country, using local water and anyway, the Burton Standard, that ...

Campaign for Real Ale - Watch Repair Talk

As a fully paid up CAMRA member I will be there on the first day only as I can not usually remember the next two days anyway. There will be ...

Real ale wars! Camra and the bitter battle over the future of beer

It seems that CAMRA is defending "tradition" -- cask service (=real ale), possibly preferring traditional styles. ... anyway. But Hoptical IPA ( ...


My favorite type of beer is 'real ale', a.k.a. English bitter. It doesn't taste bitter at all but must be drunk 'live' (un pasteurized), with the yeasty ...

Fast Cask Beer - RateBeer

Pubs with cellars that are too small or inappropriate for storing cask ale are said to be able to offer cask, since barrels can be moved or ...