
Wildfire Risk Reduction

Wildfire risk reduction in the United States: Leadership staff ...

As wildland fires have had increasing negative impacts on a range of human values, in many parts of the United States (U.S.) and around the world, ...

Wildfire Risk Reduction: Effects of the Draft Energy Infrastructure Act

10 million acres of forest fuel treatments on federal lands, as outlined in the draft Energy Innovation Act, could reduce wildfire greenhouse gas emissions ...

Fuels Management | U.S. Department of the Interior

Fuels management builds wildfire resilience by reducing small trees, brush, dead branches, and limbs (called ladder fuels) which makes it less likely that ...

Collaborative Wildfire Risk Reduction Program invests $10 Million in ...

The Biden-Harris Administration is investing $100 million in 21 new projects to expand work on the USDA Forest Service's Wildfire Crisis Strategy.

Wildfire Risk Assessment, Mitigation & Planning Services

WILDFIRE HAZARD, RISK + VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS. Our wildfire risk mitigation and resilience experts support preparedness, planning, response and recovery ...

Reduce Your Wildfire Risk - DNRC

Forests can be more resilient to fire by thinning to reduce fuels, restoring an open forest structure, and where feasible, returning fire to the landscape.

Wildfire Risk Reduction - Nature-based Solutions Funding Database

Wildfire Risk Reduction · Climate and Environmental Justice Block Grants · Environmental Justice Government-to-Government Program · Emergency Coastal Resilience ...

Methods - Wildfire Risk to Communities

Wildfire Risk to Communities is built from nationally consistent data and uses the best available science. The interdisciplinary team behind Wildfire Risk ...

Wildfire Resilience and Risk Reduction R&D | Technology Insights

EPRI's research aims to improve prevention of and response to wildfires and other extreme weather events.

Forest Park Wildfire Risk Reduction Project

This funding was made available through FEMA to mitigate the impact of wildfire and provide fire risk prevention in Multnomah County.

Building Wildfire Resilience: A Land Use Toolbox for County Leaders

V. Fuel Reduction: Resilient Landscapes. A key strategy for reducing wildfire risk in a landscape is to reduce the amount of available fuel a fire can consume.

California Wildfire Mitigation Program

The California Wildfire Mitigation Program (CWMP) was created as part of the State of California's effort to strengthen community-wide resilience against ...

Reducing Wildfire Risks to Property: Professional Online Training

This course is for skilled professionals who need to communicate risks and potential mitigation measures to property owners while promoting wildfire ...

North America Wildfire Modeling & Risk Analytics | Moody's RMS

U.S. Wildfire: Calculating the Value of Mitigation Benefit... The hallmarks of climate change – such as prolonged drought, record high temperatures, or even ...

Reducing Wildfire Risk to Your Home | FEMA

How can you reduce wildfire risk to your home? A. Exterior Vents: • Replace existing vent covers with corrosion-resistant 1/8- inch or 1/16-inch (preferred).

Risk Informed Wildfire Management | Northern Rockies Fire Science ...

This Hot Topic pulls together research, tools, and other information related to wildfire risk analysis, risk management, and decision support.

Strategic fire zones are essential to wildfire risk reduction in the ...

During plan development, we recommend that Strategic Fire Zones (SFZs) be identified in large blocks (≥ 2,000 ha) of Federal forest lands, buffered (≥ 1–2.4 km) ...

Wildfire Mitigation Plans | GIS for Wildland Fire Risk Reduction - Esri

ArcGIS helps agencies define project boundaries, identify vegetation to be removed, monitor fuels reduction progress, and quantify the effectiveness of ...

Wildfire risk reduction - (Native Peoples and the Environment)

Wildfire risk reduction refers to the strategies and practices implemented to decrease the likelihood of wildfires occurring and to minimize their potential ...


The Prioritizing Communities for Wildfire Defense Grants StoryMap is focused on visualizing at-risk, vulnerable, and disadvantaged communities to help highlight ...