
About the Space Radiation Element

Abundances of Ultraheavy Elements in the Cosmic Radiation

An analysis is presented that, for the first time, systematically normalizes the data from the HEAO 3 heavy nuclei experiment on the cosmic-ray abundances ...

Radiation and Health - New York State Department of Health

The radiation in the environment comes from both cosmic radiation that originates in outer space, and from radioactive materials that occur naturally in the ...

Space Radiation Shielding | SpringerLink

In deep space, the galactic cosmic rays are a continuous, low-level source of radiation exposure, and solar energetic particles are a sporadic, ...


The NRC regulations address. "Special Nuclear Material" (enriched Uranium or Plutonium used for weapons or nuclear power) and "Byproduct Material" yielded or ...

Types and sources of radiation

Cosmic rays are mostly protons, but can be other particles or wave energy. Some ionizing radiation penetrates the earth's atmosphere and becomes ...

Performances of Kevlar and Polyethylene as radiation shielding on ...

Polyethylene is widely used for radiation shielding in space and therefore it is an excellent benchmark material to be used in comparative ...

Revolutionary Concepts of Radiation Shielding for Human ...

of Lunar. Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century, October 29-31, 1984. 8. Radiation Transport of Cosmic Ray Nuclei in Lunar Material and Radiation Doses ...

Space Radiation Risk Reduction through Prediction, Detection and ...

It is therefore easy to show that a hydrogen rich material is best for charge particle protection. To increase shielding against secondary neutrons, the ...

Basic Radiation Information

Radiation can be defined as small (subatomic) particles with kinetic energy that are radiated or transmitted through space.

What is background radiation? - ARPANSA

Space. The sun, just like all of the stars, is essentially a gigantic nuclear reactor changing one element into another as they burn their fuel to supply ...

Early findings raise more questions in space radiation research

The element of surprise: Early findings raise more questions in space radiation research. 09 Feb, 2017. By Kristen Browning-Blas. Mark and Scott Kelly.

Radiation Basics | US EPA

Ionizing radiation comes from x-ray machines, cosmic particles from outer space and radioactive elements. Radioactive elements emit ionizing ...

Beating 1 Sievert: Optimal Radiation Shielding of Astronauts on a ...

Materials such as a carbon composite with significant hydrogen content may potentially improve shielding and allow for longer flight times, as ...

News Release: Thin, Lightweight Layer Provides Radiation Barrier ...

News Release: Thin, Lightweight Layer Provides Radiation Barrier for Perovskites in Space, Protection From Elements on Earth ... Illustration ...

Ansers to frequently asked questions about radiation - the UNSCEAR

Radioactive material occurs in nature, but can also be produced artificially - large amounts are produced by the operation of nuclear reactors. There are a ...

Menu - The NASA Task Book

The four categories of risks from radiation in space are defined by the NASA Bioastronautics Roadmap (BR). They are: 1) Carcinogenesis, 2) Acute and late ...

Ionizing radiation and health effects

Every day, people inhale and ingest radionuclides from air, food and water. People are also exposed to natural radiation from cosmic rays, ...

Space radiation won't stop NASA's human exploration - SpaceNews

They are so energetic they can tear right through metals, plastic, water and cellular material. And as the energetic particles break through, ...

1 Radiation Risks and the Vision for Space Exploration

Galactic cosmic rays and SEPs impinging on the atmosphere or surface of a planet or satellite produce secondary radiation, including energetic neutrons, which ...

Space Radiation and Human Exposures, A Primer - Allen Press

The space radiation environment is a complex field comprised primarily of charged particles spanning energies over many orders of magnitude.