
Assessing the Optimum Growth|Maximizing Public Debt Threshold ...


In fact, there is no optimal debt-. GDP ratio. A debt-to-GDP ratio of 60% is quite often noted as a prudential limit for developed countries. For developing and ...

The Role of Government Debt in Economic Growth * - IEF

Keywords: government debt, economic growth, debt thresholds. ... When capital is below the optimal level, it is preferable to finance the amount of spending.

Public Debt and Economic Growth: A Quick Look at ThRESHOLD ...

where Δy is annual real GDP growth, debt stands for the central government debt-to-GDP ratio and T is the value of the debt threshold (10, 15, 20, …, 90, 95, ...

Growth-maximizing public debt in Turkey: An empirical investigation

To calculate the growth-maximizing debt-to-GDP ratio FMOLS, DOLS, and CCR estimators are used for the period from 1960–2013. According to the ...

Impacts of public debt on economic growth in six ASEAN countries1

For example, except for Singapore, the five select- ed ASEAN countries have set up the public debt ceiling at 55 to 65 percent of their. GDP at present. However ...

The Heterogenous Threshold Effects of Public Debt on Economic ...

The Heterogenous Threshold Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries.

The Impact of Government Debt on Economic Growth - EMUNI

The Lebanon public debt is becoming critical in determining the ... public debt on the Lebanese economic growth and its threshold that turn its ...

Evidence from Selected Countries - Planning and Budgeting

Achieving optimal economic growth is always one of the most important goals of any country, and due to the role of public debt in financing capital and ...

Threshold effect of public debt on economic growth

The paper empirically examines and assess the relationship between public debt and economic growth in the European transition countries from ...

Non-linear effect of public debt on economic growth

growth as well as determining the optimal threshold of public debt, beyond which public ... debt-growth correlation, focusing in particular on assessing the main.

Assessing the optimal size and composition of public debt ... - GoTriple

The optimal public debt threshold was also determined by assessing the link between public debt and economic growth. This assessment was carried out to ...

How Much Public Debt is Excessive for Asian Economies? - ADB Blog

Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff suggested median growth rates for countries with public debt over roughly 90% of GDP are about 1% lower than ...

Government Consumption, Government Debt and Economic Growth

We further investigate this contradiction by considering nonlinear/threshold effects of government fiscal policies on growth as advocated in ...

The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth - Cato Institute

Once the debt ratio reaches heightened levels. (nonlinear threshold), further increases in the debt level as a percent- age of GDP have a negative impact on ...

Public debt dynamics and nonlinear effects on economic growth

(2020). “Estimating optimum growth-maximizing public debt threshold for Nepal”. Nepal Rastra Bank Review, 32: 1-28. Bilan, I. and ...

An Optimal Public Debt-to-GDP Ratio? - G24

countries beyond their debt limit. So, the advice is to remain well below the ... 'Public Debt and Growth', IMF Working Paper. WP/10/174 (July). 12 See ...

public debt and economic growth in advanced economies:asurvey

Moreover, there is no single threshold for debt ratios that can delineate the “bad” from the “good.” (International Monetary Fund, 2012, p. 9). 1 Introduction.

Public Debt - Economic Growth: Evidence of a Non-linear Relationship

Through estimating country specific threshold values of public debt to GDP ratio and the magnitude of impact below and above the identified threshold, our ...

Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth? - Dallas Fed

... estimating the long-run effects of public debt build-up on economic growth, regardless of whether there exists a threshold effect from debt- to-GDP ratio on ...

is there an optimal external debt threshold for guinea?

Specifically, at debt levels below 30% of GDP, increases in the debt-to-GDP ratio are associated with faster economic growth. However, as debt ...