
Build a static site with Jekyll

Which is better to create a static site: HTML or Jekyll? - Quora

So, both of them are static HTML sites. HTML is HTML from the very beginning, but Jekyll is markdown files / blog posts that compile into ...

Create a static website/blog with Jekyll and Github Pages - Devblast

Here's how we're going to do it. First, we'll create a GitHub account and a repository to host the content of our website. Then, we will ...

Create a free static website using Github Pages and Jekyll

GitHub Pages allows us to host a static website(html, CSS, JavaScript) on GitHub repository for absolutely free which is ideal for personal websites.

Back to basics: Building static website using Jekyll in VSTS

In this blog post I will show you how to build a simple Jekyll website using VSTS. For this post, I already have a Jekyll blog committed to my VSTS repo.

How to Create a Static Technical Blog Using Jekyll and the Chirpy ...

Jekyll is a static site generator that's perfect for creating blogs and websites. It takes your text files, written in Markdown, and generates a static website ...

Automating Jekyll Builds and Deploys - Jorge Arango

Jekyll is a static site generator, which means that web pages aren't built on-the-fly but compiled into static HTML files. It's great for ...

Using Jekyll for static websites Technology

For those who have never heard of Jekyll, Jekyll is a simple static website development framework build in Ruby. It uses a bunch of existing ...

Jekyll vs Astro | Koos Looijesteijn

If you're building a mostly static website, Jekyll is great. Compared to Astro, it's very easy to work with (once it's installed). For ...

New (static) website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages - Richard Gao

Jekyll is a tool that transforms (basically) text files into static, blog-enabled websites, which is then hosted on and automatically rendered ...

Crafting My Personal Website: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and a Custom ...

To simplify hosting, I built my site using GitHub Pages, effectively making my website a private GitHub repository. This platform offers a ...

Building a static website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

The HTML pages that make up a static site can be completely written by hand, or you can offload some of this work using something like Jekyll. *Jekyll* is ...

Create Static Sites with Jekyll And GitHub Pages | Udemy

Use Jekyll, a popular static site generator, to harness the power of GitHub Pages. Faster websites, deployed via Git.

Rebuilding my website with Jekyll! -

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub's co-founder, ...

Compile a site with Jekyll without installing Jekyll using Docker

My current choice for running my site is Jekyll, a static-site generator written in Ruby. Since I ditched Wordpress back in 2013, ...

How To Build A Jekyll Site Using Simple.css - Kev Quirk

Right then, now we need to build the Jekyll site folder structure. If you want to understand the rationale for these directories and what they ...

Building Static Sites With Jekyll - Code - Envato Tuts+

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. That's what the site says. But, what exactly does this mean? A static site generator is a ...

Jekyll tutorial – all you need to know - IONOS

Using Jekyll for blogs and other static web projects is a superior alternative to content management systems, construction kits, etc. for a variety of reasons.

Adding search to a static Jekyll site using pagefind - Jay Gooby

Pagefind works by indexing all your html content and creating some additional files in the root of your static site.

Steps to Build a Static Website with Jekyll - ResellerClub Blog

Jekyll is extremely effective and minimalistic. We recommend installing it on your Linux, VPS or Dedicated Server for better performance.

How to Add Search to Your Static Site Generator (Jekyll, Hugo ...

But last week I found a simple solution that searches every part of my site, without a third party service. And it was easy to set up. While set ...