
Citizenship Education

Citizenship Education (Definition and 11 Teaching Ideas)

2. Citizenship Education in your Classroom: 11 Teaching Ideas · Teach about how to have respectful relationships with one another and encourage ...

What is Global Citizenship? | Education resources | Oxfam GB

A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They are a citizen of the world. They take an active role ...

The impacts of citizenship education - My College

Learning citizenship through social participation outside and inside school: An international, multilevel study of young people's learning of citizenship.

The History of Citizenship Education: A Comparative Outline

And when Locke came to address the issue of civic education, although he prescribed a most thorough study of Constitutional Law, History and Political. Theory, ...

Insightful issue paper on citizenship education

Insightful issue paper on citizenship education. The issue paper is one of the key outputs of the European Commission's working group on ...

What is the role of education in developing citizenship competencies?

'Citizenship education is about knowledge, attitude and skills,' Daas explains. 'For example, students must learn the difference between the ...

Citizenship Education in the Asia-Pacific and Arab region

9. Design curriculum, learning resources and delivery, teachers and educators training on citizenship education specific to the identity of learners. Promote ...

Moral Development and Citizenship Education - Brill

Moral Development and Citizenship Education is a book series that focuses on the cultural development of our young people and the pedagogical ideas and ...

Models of Citizenship and Civic Education - Commonwealth iLibrary

Models of Citizenship and Civic Education. 13. 3 This is a modernised rendition of the original seventeenth century prose. Chapter 2. Page 2. citizen of a non- ...

Character and Citizenship Education: A Coherence | GCU Blog

Character education and citizenship education are interrelated and can be taught together to help develop flourishing individuals. A democracy ...

Global citizenship education |

Irish Aid provides Global Citizenship Education (GCE) through a range of programmes and supports.

Critical Global Citizenship Education: A Study on Secondary School ...

The global consciousness element of global citizenship (…) creates lofty moral expectations: it consists of an awareness of other perspectives, a single ...

Global Citizenship Education

Also disputable is the question of what sort of education prepares someone to be a global citizen. We cannot be citizens of the world in the way that we are ...

The State of Civics Education - Center for American Progress

This research highlights that no state currently provides sufficient and comprehensive civic education, there is reason to be optimistic that high-quality ...

34. Research on Citizenship Education | EERA

The 'Research on Citizenship Education' network aims to pool and bring into focus the theories, research, and debates in this field.

Teaching citizenship and life skills in schools - House of Lords Library

Citizenship education is included in the national curriculum for secondary schools in England (and therefore compulsory in maintained ...

Real-World Democracy Education

Generation Citizen believes all students have the right to civics education that prepares them to participate in our democracy.

(PDF) Citizenship Education and Its Implications for Education

Citizenship education is fundamental to living in a democratic society. The concept of citizenship takes on meaning in specific contexts and is ...

Active Citizenship > Erasmus+ Training Courses for Teachers

Teacher Courses Topic: Active Citizenship ; Environmental Education: Learning and Acting for a Better Future · Environmental Education: ...


Statement of the problem in general outlook and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Analysis of research where the solution of the ...