
Climate Change and Indigenous People in the South Pacific

Climate change information for the Pacific - CSIRO

Pacific island nations are among the most vulnerable to our changing climate, with many already experiencing higher temperatures, shifts in ...

Strong Pacific Voices: Elevating Traditional Knowledge in Climate ...

While indigenous communities are on the frontline of climate change, “these very same Pacific communities are also often fighting to be ...

Climate Change and Pacific Islander Life | GJIA

Many Pacific island communities are sustained by residents migrating (temporarily or permanently) and sending back remittances. If islanders ...


PARKER ET AL., supra note 7, at 23-24. For a discussion of climate change impacts to indigenous peoples in Pacific island nations, see CLIMATE CHANGE AND ...

Search | Pacific Environment Data Portal

All over the world Indigenous Peoples are affected by the impacts of climate change. They often live close to the land and depend on its physical resources ...

Oceania's Indigenous Peoples Rising | Cultural Survival

As the climate change crisis continues to crash on the shores of the atoll nations, every day Pacific Islanders are challenged to exercise ...

Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change - ResearchGate

This book explores how Pacific Island communities are responding to the challenges wrought by climate change—most notably fresh water accessibility, ...

Responding to the challenges of climate change in the Pacific Islands

sition of alien systems of human–environment inter- action, followed by the depopulation of Pacific Island indigenous populations associated with the introduc-.

Minority and Indigenous Trends 2019: Focus on climate change

By Nancy Omolo The Turkana people are traditionally pastoralists, a lifestyle adapted to the arid environments of north-western Kenya. Bordering Ethiopia, South ...

Pacific Islands - Climate-Diplomacy

Often referred to as people from the Small Islands, Pacific Islanders are in fact the people of the Large Oceans. They remain resilient in the face of climate ...

Climate Change and Pacific Islands: Indicators and Impacts

verse indigenous Pacific Islander communities, intermingled with immigrants mostly ... According to the 2010 US Census, population in the North Kona and South ...

Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States

The trends exist despite interannual climate variability driven by the El Niño–. Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The average April—July ...


environment, and protection of cultural rights are becoming even more pertinent as climate change threatens not only indigenous people's lands, but also ...

Shade Trees and Mangroves - Climate change in the South Pacific

And climate researchers say the extreme weather will increase and sea levels will continue to rise. Most members of the indigenous population depend on natural ...

Climate change and human rights in the Pacific Islands

South Pacific Regional Environment ... Peoples of the South Pacific, Kiribati, Pacific Concerns Resource Centre ... Indigenous Peoples, Art 32. 15 Millar, I (2008) ...

Northwest - Tribes & Climate Change - Northern Arizona University

The harvest of salmon in the Pacific Northwest, the cultural lifeblood of numerous regional tribes, has declined as much as 90 percent over the past few decades ...

Arctic Indigenous Peoples, Displacement, and Climate Change

Temperatures are rising much faster in the Arctic than in the rest of the world, raising questions about the extent to which significant numbers of ...

Small Island Developing States are on the frontlines of climate change

These impacts are increasingly driving displacement, with small island states in the Caribbean and South Pacific being disproportionately ...

Safeguarding the South Pacific's island nations from climate change

Assoc Prof Chand says the South Pacific's island nations are among the most vulnerable on Earth to climate change, and as the temperature in the ...

How Native tribes are taking the lead on planning for climate change

With their deep ties to the land and reliance on fishing, hunting, and gathering, indigenous tribes are especially vulnerable to the impacts ...