
Do not punish your child while rewarding them

How to Positively Handle Punishment, Discipline, and Consequences

... when they misbehave or do something wrong, but it's not the only option. ... When your child does something they aren't supposed to do, give them a do ...

5 Reasons Rewards Don't Work - The Heartful Parent

Bribes put your child in control: When we reward children for their behavior, they quickly realize they hold all the cards. It fast becomes apparent to them ...

Why Rewards Don't Teach & What To Do Instead - YouTube

Listen in as Certified Instructor Abbi Kruse shares about the downfalls of rewards to change children's behavior. Can it motivate them in ...

How To Discipline a Child Who Won't Listen

Don't be afraid of discipline. It's tempting to treat your kids like you're their best friend. But children need you leading and teaching them as they grow.

Effective Alternatives to Punishments: Transforming Behavior and ...

Let's stop punishing our kids for the skills they don't yet have... and instead teach them the skills they were missing the first place.

Rule 5: Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You ...

“It's not that it's impossible to discipline with reward. In fact ... It's a very important time in their development and when that child is not ...

If Gentle Discipline Isn't Working, This Might Be the Reason

when we have to spend 90% of our day trying to suffice one child…it takes away from the other children in our care. I do believe it may not be a ...

Gentle parenting means no punishments and no rewards

Discipline has come to mean many things in our culture. When we are discussing child rearing, we understand it to mean reprimanding a child for ...

The big problem with rewarding kids for good grades and punishing ...

Sometimes it takes a while, hands creeping up slowly, hesitantly, for kids seem to intuit that getting paid for grades may not be the best ...

Resisting Rewards: When Treats Turn Sour

The best solution? Quit rewarding your kids for behavior you should be able to expect. For instance, a child should not need a candy bar to make it through the ...

Is it possible to discipline your child without reward or punishment?

Many parents are moving towards “gentle parenting”, where they choose not to use rewards (sticker charts, lollies, chocolates, TV time as “ ...

Why I don't discipline my daughter - A Beautiful Childhood

I am increasingly convinced that parental discipline can ever be truly “gentle”, as at its heart it is about training children to obey us – and punishing them ...

Parenting: Using Rewards and Punishments | Article - Therapist Aid

... children by not following through with rewards or punishments are in for a ... with and punish your child can be interpreted as a reward in these situations.

Which Is Better, Rewards or Punishments? Neither

Not so fast. Rewards are more like punishment's sneaky twin. Families find them alluring (understandably), because rewards can control a child ...

How to discipline your children without rewards or punishment

Telling a child they can't do something unsafe is not the same as punishing them. Instead, you can follow these steps: Stop the behaviour.

8 Reasons Discipline is WAY Better than Punishment

... for those who are willing to embrace mistakes as learning and not as failure. ... rewards are not appropriate methods of helping our kids ...

Punishing a child is effective if done correctly

Parenting books preach positive parenting and 'no drama' discipline, psychologists at the 2015 APA convention said don't put timeout in ...

Punished by Rewards?: A Conversation with Alfie Kohn

... kids little doggie biscuits for doing what we tell them. Let me ask about praise, which is particularly tricky, because it's not a tangible reward. If I ...

What punishment and reward for the child? - ePozytywna Opinia

It is the conscious act of the parent who chooses not to notice the child until the undesirable behavior has subsided. This kind of consistency works when the ...

Disciplining Kids: Why Rewards Don't Work! - One Time Through

Today's topic is D is for Discipline. It's a very complex issue and one that can't be addressed within the space of just one post. As such, I've ...