
Endowment Effect

The Endowment Effect: Why ownership makes you overvalue your ...

The endowment effect describes the phenomenon where you overvalue things you own, simply because those things are yours. There are two reasons ...

Reversing the endowment effect. - APA PsycNet

Reversing the endowment effect. Citation. Pryor, C., Perfors, A., & Howe, P. D. L. (2018). Reversing the endowment effect. Judgment and Decision Making, ...

The Endowment Effect - EconPapers - RePEc

By Keith Ericson and Andreas Fuster; Abstract: The endowment effect is among the best known findings in behavioral economics and has been ...

Is the Endowment Effect Due to Loss Aversion or Mere Ownership?

Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1990) conducted experiments on the endowment effect by comparing behavior of buyers and sellers of physical goods such as mugs ...

The Endowment Effect | SpringerLink

The endowment effect is the most studied quirk. You value a commodity more after you possess it. What you must be compensated to relinquish ...

How the Custom Suppresses the Endowment Effect - Frontiers

How the Custom Suppresses the Endowment Effect: Exchange Paradigm in Kanak Country · For more than 40 years, numerous studies have shown that people seem to ...

The Endowment Effect in the General Population - CESifo

We study the endowment effect and expectation-based reference points in the field leveraging the setup of the Socio-Economic Panel.

Endowment Effects of Shared Ownership: Evidence from Hong Kong

First, the introduction of the WFBP led to a significant increase in transaction liquidity in the HOS market. This means that after the policy change, there was ...

"Bankruptcy's Endowment Effect" by Anthony Casey

Recommended Citation. Anthony Casey, "Bankruptcy's Endowment Effect," 33 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Law Journal 141 (2016).

"Give it back, that's mine!": Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion and ...

The concepts of endowment effect, status quo bias and loss aversion hint at this very fact: People like to hold on to what they have acquired (endowment effect ...

Evidence for the Endowment Effect in Older Adults

The endowment effect is primarily explained through prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979), a theory that explains how the value of an option is defined in ...

Is the Endowment Effect an Expectations Effect? - AWS

Keywords: endowment effect, expectations, prospect theory, experiments. JEL Classification: C9, D11. ∗A previous version of this paper circulated under the ...

New frontiers: The endowment effect beyond mugs and wine | Opinion

Crawford Hollingworth and Liz Barker look at the endowment effect more closely. Someone who owns a good will value it more than someone who does not.

Asset ownership, investor characteristics, and the endowment effect

We survey individuals regarding personal attributes and specific assets owned to identify characteristics associated with the endowment effect. Using eight ...

The Endowment Effect - The Wolf Group

The Wolf Group thrives as an international tax accountant firm. Every year we help hundreds of clients. And unlike most CPA firms in the United States, you won ...

The Endowment Effect and Housing Markets: Theory and Evidence ...

This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the so-called “endowment effect” in the housing market. In a nutshell, the phenomenon of overvaluing ...

The endowment effect, discounting and the environment - LSE

On an increasing path of material consumption, dampened consumption smoothing implies a lower discount rate. But on a declining path of ...

Money Matters with Scott Oeth: Endowment Effect

In this month's edition of “Money Matters,” Scott Oeth talks about the endowment effect and why investors who become emotionally attached to ...

Endowment Effect - The Behavioral Scientist

The endowment effect is a phenomenon in which people have a tendency to value things more highly when they own them than when they do not own them.

The Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, and Status Quo Bias - jstor

endowment effect. The example also illustrates what Samuelson and Zeckhauser. (1988) call a status quo bias, a preference for the current state that biases ...