
IAM roles for Kubernetes service accounts

Cross account IAM roles for Kubernetes service account - s3 bucket

Hey im trying to cross account access for a role. i have 2 accounts: prod and non-prod. and bucket in prod account, which im trying to write files to there ...

Configuring an Amazon EKS Kubernetes service account to assume ...

A core feature of Amazon EKS is the ability to assume an AWS IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. This requires that the service ...

Feature - Support GCP IAM Roles for Service Accounts #14695

GCP has support for IAM Roles using K8s service accounts, and I think it would be great if kOps could handle configuring this automatically. GKE ...

Organizing Kubernetes Permissions for Users and Roles on AWS

In the provided aws-auth ConfigMap, there are two methods to grant RBAC permissions on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS): using mapRoles ...

AWS IAM Roles for Kubernetes Service Accounts - Shishir's Blog

A role is created on the AWS which is then attached to the Kubernetes service account associated with a deployment giving the pod access to the resources that ...

EKS - Use IAM roles for service accounts on multiple clusters

When it comes to create the IAM role to be assigned to a service account, I have to create it with a trust policy that refers to the OIDC provider of a ...

How to Use AWS IAM Role on AWS EKS PODs - DZone

It's possible to attach an IAM role in a Kubernetes POD without using third-party software, such as kube2iam and kiam. This is thanks to the ...

Implementing RBAC for pods using IAM Roles for Service Accounts

Least privilege: By using RBAC with service accounts there is no longer need of providing extended permissions on worker node IAM role. You can ...

EKS IAM: OIDC Vs. Pod Identity - PerfectScale

Regardless of the method of authentication, Kubernetes on AWS or any other service for that matter requires some form of recognition of the ...

IAM roles with Kubernetes service accounts using EKS OIDC provider

IAM roles with Kubernetes service accounts using EKS OIDC provider ... In this post, I'm going to describe how to setup the OIDC provider in AWS ...

Granting roles to AWS EKS Service Accounts | by Ivan Katliarchuk

IAM role and policy created as well. AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can be namespaces bounded or restricted to a specific service account name. As a ...

Running pods in OpenShift with AWS IAM Roles for service ...

You can associate an IAM role with an OpenShift service account. This OpenShift service account can then be used to run a pod providing AWS permissions to the ...

IAM roles and actions - IBM Cloud Docs

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service is configured to use IBM Cloud® Identity and Access Management roles to determine the actions that users can perform.

Migrating from kube2iam to IAM roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

Last year, AWS introduced IAM roles for Service Accounts as an alternative to provide fine-grained access to AWS resources for applications ...

How do EKS and IAM work together? | Padok - Theodo Cloud

Granting access to AWS Resources; IAM Roles and Kubernetes; Why you need an IAM OpenID Connect provider; Assuming the IAM Role in a Pod ...

Simplifying Container Image Pulling in Amazon EKS: IAM Role for ...

Step 1: Create an IAM Role for Service Accounts (IRSA) · Step 2: Associate the IAM Role with a Kubernetes Service Account · Step 3: Create a Kubernetes Deployment ...

How to create AWS IAM role with ServiceAccount and attach to ...

Could you please add your DaemonSet yaml? I checked here and there is an example with service account in a deployment so there shouldn't be any ...

Specifying the IAM Role to use for Management Components

IAM Roles for Service Accounts ... When creating the IAM role, the following trust policy will need to be used with the AWS_ACCOUNT_ID , AWS_REGION and ...

Configuring Access Management in Amazon EKS with IAM Roles for ...

What are IAM Roles for Service Accounts? ... As of Kubernetes 1.12, support was added for a new ProjectedServiceAccountToken feature, which is a ...

Securing secrets in Hashicorp Vault using AWS IAM Roles for ...

AWS IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) enable you to associate IAM roles with Kubernetes Service Accounts, allowing automatic retrieval and use of temporary ...