
If Jesus Conquered Sin

Jesus Conquered Sin and Death! #catholic #easter #resurrection

overcome, there's good news for you today: Jesus has already overcome it! He's already won the victory. Today is the day of freedom! Hear ...

What Jesus Did!: 'Darkness Is Defeated' — John 12:31-33

Instead, God used Jesus' death on the cross to be the sacrifice for our sins. Through the resurrection of Jesus, God took away the power of sin ...

How Does "Dying For Our Sins" Work? - Brian Zahnd

Neither is the death of Jesus a kind of quid pro quo by which God gains the necessary capital to forgive sinners. No! Jesus does not save us ...

If Jesus conquered sin, then how am I a sinner? - Threads

If Jesus conquered sin, then how am I a sinner? ... Why does the New Testament refer to the law of Moses as death then? ... EXACTLY, people still ...

If Jesus Died For Our Sins, Why Do We Still Sin?

When Jesus came to earth the first time, he died on the cross for our sins --to deliver us from the curse, penalty or wages of our sin, ...

Jesus Broke The Power of Sin - Maschil

Romans points the way to deal with that distant sin. It's brought to us by the grace of God revealed in Jesus. In His death and resurrection He dealt with the ...

Can One Be a Christian if Jesus Didn't Rise - The Philosophy Forum

In 1 Corinthians, Paul seems to state in strong words that if Jesus Christ did not actually rise from the dead after 3 days in the tomb, the ...

How did Jesus Christ really conquer evil? - ASR Martins Ministries

As a mere human being (100% human being), He came to this world to take the sins of this world away. He was obedient to God from His birth right ...

Jesus is the King (Luke 24) - Catholic 365

Jesus conquered two enemies, sin and death. He conquered sin by facing the worst of sin but not succumbing to sin. He conquered death by ...

7 ways to overcome sin as Jesus overcame - Revelation 3:21

This means there must be way more to it than forgiveness of sins. So to find out how I can overcome sin, I need to look at Jesus, my forerunner and great ...

Jesus Christ conquered sin and death... - Diary of a Sinner - Facebook

Jesus Christ took our place, bearing the consequence of sin Himself. So that through Him, we can experience God's love.

“In his dying, he destroyed death; in his rising, he restored life ...

BUT, unlike any other death, Jesus' dying accomplished so much. He opened heaven for us, conquered sin and death once for all and became “the source of eternal ...

Christ Has Set Us Free from the Power of Sin - | Ministry127

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). Trusting in Christ is the way to victory while trying harder is the way to ...

Jesus Bore Our Sicknesses, Infirmities, Diseases, and Sins

Then the only perfect sacrifice, Jesus the Son of God, came to earth and bore our sins and sin's penalty upon Himself at the cross on Mount Calvary. Luke 24:47 ...

If Jesus Christ was born without the original sin, then how could He ...

He gave himself over to death in order to conquer sin, death and the devil. Only the sinless Son of God could do that! – Anne. Commented May 7, ...

Disarming the Devil - Tabletalk Magazine

Jesus died to take away the devil's power over the consciences of believers. Christ has conquered Satan, sin, and death. In doing so, He has ...

How did Jesus defeat Satan and demons on the cross? - Mark Driscoll

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” The ...

Resurrection Confidence - John 20:1-18

And the resurrection of Jesus Christ proved that to be true. Jesus defeated sin ... Have you ever wondered, what if Jesus' story ended ...

Victory Over Sin - The Standing Church

It is that the power of sin has been broken, the action of sin has been judged and the consciousness of sins have been purged (Hebrews 9:12-14). It is the ...

Class 5: Jesus' Resurrection - Sermons | Capitol Hill Baptist

If Jesus defeated sin, it shouldn't surprise us then that he also conquered the result of sin, namely, death. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 says ...