
Implications of globalization and secular stagnation for monetary ...

Inequality, financialisation and stagnation | Cambridge Core

The failure of exceptional monetary measures pursued in response to the financial crisis in advanced economies to achieve a strong recovery ...

Stagflation Risk Rises Amid Sharp Slowdown in Growth - World Bank

This raises the risk of stagflation, with potentially harmful consequences for middle- and low-income economies alike. Global growth is expected ...

Macroeconomics in the age of secular stagnation |

... secular stagnation. But the conditions for a secular stagnation equilibrium are not due solely to the effects of a financial crisis. Excess savings that ...

Secular Stagnation, the Long-Term Real Bond Rate Outlook and ...

This latter period includes the main added impact of the global financial crisis. But as this crisis ended, real rates did not return to ...

Secular stagnation or financial cycle drag? - jstor

this point in a minute. 3 Risks and policy implications. If the financial drag hypothesis is closer to reality, how could the global economy ...

Secular stagnation in the modern world - OUCI

The paper studies the factors of secular stagnation. Key factors of long-term slowdown in economic growth include the slowdown of technological development, ...

Low Equilibrium Real Rates, Financial Crisis, and Secular Stagnation

Concerns about the possibility of secular stagnation have profound policy implications. ... credited by research at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and in.

Secular drivers of the global real interest rate - Bank of England

... implications of a low global long-term neutral real rate. Implications for monetary policy ... secular stagnation', Financial Times 7 September. 2014.

Technological Progress, Globalization, and Secular Stagnation

Abstract: After the 2008 crisis, despite economic recovery that started in 2009, the world economy has experienced a downward shift of its growth path and a ...

Secular Stagnation, Not Secular Stagflation by Willem H. Buiter

NEW YORK – A good case can be made that secular stagnation – sustained slower growth – is looming for most advanced economies, China, and many ...

Demand Side Secular Stagnation

The second issue about monetary policy is the financial stability consequences of protracted periods of zero interest rates, all the more ...

Secular Stagnation in the Open Economy † | Request PDF

Monetary expansion cannot eliminate a secular stagnation and may have beggar-thy-neighbor effects, while sufficiently large fiscal interventions can eliminate a ...

Why stagnation might prove to be the new normal - Financial Times

If secular stagnation concerns are relevant to our current economic situation, there are obviously profound policy implications (and I will ...

Secular Stagnation and Low Interest Rates under the Fear of a ...

In this study, we explain the driving forces behind the secular stagnation associated with a persistent decrease in interest rates.

Istituto di Economia Internazionale - Stagnation

Keywords: Financial Cycle, Secular Stagnation, Inequality, Great Recession, Oligopolistic Power, Globalisation ... Implications of Demographic and ...

The end of globalisation? A reflection on the effects of the COVID-19 ...

Under this scenario, the world will experience an episode of deglobalisation, with a 10% reduction in the soft dimension and a 9% reduction in the economic ...

Alan Greenspan on Causes and Implications of Secular Stagnation ...

... economic slowdown from a variety of perspective, including financial services, housing, labor, agriculture, and health care markets. The panelists stressed ...

Short-Run Effects of Lower Productivity Growth: A Twist on the ...

This explanation, if correct, has important implications for policy and forecasts. It may weaken the case for secular stagnation, as it suggests ...

U.S. Economic Prospects - Larry Summers

In my remarks today, I want to take up these issues—secular stagnation, the idea that the economy ... the situation in the global economy. We consulted ...

draft -

Declining and low interest rates promote financial instability by forcing money managers to rely on, and spread the use of, Ponzi finance. Secular stagnation ...