
Introduction to computer science and programming specialisation

Department of Computer Science < University of Northern Iowa

Specialty area must include a project course (*) ; Foundations: ; CS 3530. Design and Analysis of Algorithms ; CS 3540. Programming Languages and Paradigms ; CS ...

Best Online Computer Programming Courses and Programs | edX

Take a beginner course in computer science or any number of programming languages and see if this exciting field is right for you. Many introductory, self-paced ...

Online Master of Computer Science Curriculum | MCS@Rice

... computer science, software and data, plus 4 specializations and ... An introduction to computer programming designed to give an overview of programming ...

Computer Science < Orange Coast College - Academic Catalogs

Our two-year program teaches Java, C++, and Python, and includes courses on data structures, computer architecture, and software engineering.

CSE Computer Science B.S. upper division pathways and ...

This area focuses on the foundations and principles of programming language design, analysis, and implementation, and the design of algorithms and data ...

SAC : Academics : Programs : Computer Programming

Teach courses in computer science. May specialize in a field of computer science, such as the design and function of computers or operations and research ...

Computer Science Degree - Shippensburg University

The Computer Science degree program is designed to introduce students to a wide range of problems and how to implement solutions to these problems as programs.

Computer Science (CSCI) | University of North Dakota Academic ...

Students will receive a broad introduction to the discipline of computer science without the immersion into a programming language. Students will learn to ...

Computer Science < Udayton - Academic Catalog

This includes the study of data structures, software design, programming languages, operating systems, and computer architecture. Each student may select one of ...

Computer Science Degree Overview -

Coursework includes general education classes and computer science fundamentals. Enrollees learn the principles of programming and web development, along with ...

Computer Science (COSC) | San Jacinto College Academic Catalog

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming and provides a comprehensive introduction to programming for computer science and ...

Computer Science - BS - ASU Degrees - Arizona State University

Computer science will challenge you to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity and to ...

C S - Computer Science < The University of Texas at Austin

An introduction to the fundamental concepts of computing: how computers work, what they can do, and how they can be used effectively. Some programming is ...

Master of Computer Science - Illinois Institute of Technology

The program consists of 30 credit hours of coursework in computer science and is designed for those without a prior degree in computer science, or those who are ...

Computer Science (CS) - northeastern illinois university

This course serves as an introduction to principles of computer programming. It covers fundamental concepts including input/output, data types, arithmetic, ...

Computer Science - University of Windsor

We offer hands-on learning opportunities and support as you learn computer languages, operation systems, and the mathematics behind computation.

Computer Science (CSCI) < University of Colorado Boulder

Teaches techniques for writing computer programs in higher level programming languages to solve problems of interest in a range of application domains.

MS in Computer Science Focus Areas - Binghamton University

Systems · CS 528 - Computer Networks · CS 551 - Systems Programming · CS 552 - Intro to Cloud Computing · CS 555 - Intro to Visual Info Processin.

Computer Science - Berkeley Academic Guide

It includes the theory of computation, the design and analysis of algorithms, the architecture and logic design of computers, programming languages, compilers, ...

Computer Science Courses | University at Albany

Introduction to operating systems. Topics include processes, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, memory management, segmentation, paging, replacement ...