
Materialism and Well|Being

The Psychological Effects Of Materialism: Understanding Its ...

First and foremost, let us debunk materialism. Materialism is a value system that emphasises the importance of material possessions. It is more ...

The mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction

Although some relevant studies conducted in Eastern societies have examined the relationships between money and well-being (Zhang and Cao, 2010), or materialism ...

EJ1246446 - A Concept of Materialism and Well-Being ... - ERIC

Materialism is related to financial individuals who judge all things need material. The nature of people like this exist in today's era, which assesses a ...

Materialistic values and well-being in business students

Past research shows that: (a) strong materialistic values remain negatively related to well-being in samples of adults with greater financial resources (Kasser ...

Materialism and Well-Being Revisited: The Impact of Personality

Neuroticism and grandiose narcissism were both significant mediators, acting contrary to each other—neuroticism lowered well-being, whereas ...

Materialistic value orientation and wellbeing - Cronfa

MVO, materialistic value orientation. Consumption itself is neither good nor bad for well- being. What matters is the motives driving the ...

Clarifying the relationship between materialism and well-being

Although consumer researchers have investigated the relationship between materialism and well-being (life satisfaction and self-esteem) for decades, ...

Exploring the relationship between materialistic values and low ...

Kasser, T., & Ahuvia, A. (2002). Materialistic values and well‐being in business students. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32(1), 137-146 ...

the antecedents and consequences of materialism and its three facets

Materialists are characterized by low self-esteem, and they use materialistic accomplishments to increase their self-worth and gain the ...

Materialism, non-materialism and subjective well-being

This chapter focuses not only on the individual decision-making process, but also on how nonmaterialistic factors influence this decision-making process within ...

Social Media, Materialism Threaten Mental Health |

The study identified three core attributes of materialism: Acquisition Centrality, Acquisition as the Pursuit of Happiness, and Possession- ...

6 Materialistic Values and Well-being: Problems and Policy

Not only do people under the sway of materialistic values treat others in less empathic, helpful ways, but materialistic values are also associated with the ...

Anti-Consumption, Materialism, and Consumer Well-Being

Substantial research indicates a negative relationship between excessive consumption, namely materialism, and consumer well-being (CWB).

Effects of Materialism on Well-Being: A Review - IJIP

The researchers have found evidence to support the belief that materialism shares a negative relationship with wellbeing. Several researches ...

The Materialistic Mindset -

Materialism is a form of addiction. It's not as severe as alcoholism or drug addiction, but it's still a compulsion to consume that causes harm ...

Gratitude as an antidote to materialism in young consumers - Frontiers

Materialism is thus a way of life in which the consumption of material goods is a goal, informing an individual's life plans and, ideally, ...

Contributions of Barad's New Materialism to Well-Being Research

In this article, we discuss the contributions that Karen Barad's theorizations can make to the study of well-being, particularly their ...

Materialism and well-being : the role of consumption - UGent Biblio

The impact of materialistic consumption on well-being may be limited and may depend on the underlying motives. Materialistic self-signaling may ...

Materialism: What's With Wanting So Much Stuff Anyway?

The less obvious factor behind materialism has to do with the degree to which our needs are being filled. ... well perhaps in other ...

Materialism and Well-Being Revisited: The Impact of Personality

Materialists with a high level of neuroticism and low level of grandiose narcissism experienced diminished well-being in comparison to materialism with a low ...