
Newly Identified Galactic Supercluster Is Home to the Milky Way

New map shows Milky Way lives in Laniakea galaxy supercluster

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - The Milky Way galaxy resides on the outskirts of a massive, previously unknown galaxy super-cluster scientists ...

Group of 60 ultra-faint stars orbiting the Milky Way could be new type ...

A new satellite galaxy discovered orbiting the Milky Way is either an incredibly ancient, soon-to-fragment clump of stars or the most ...

Hidden Vela supercluster of galaxies has been pulling the Milky ...

Astronomers have found a supercluster of galaxies that might help explain why the Milky Way travels the universe the way it does.

Laniakea Supercluster - SPACETV.NET

Map of the Laniakea Supercluster and its component galaxy clusters. Earth and the Solar System are located in the Laniakea Supercluster.

International team discovers major supercluster of galaxies hidden ...

The Vela supercluster had gone unnoticed due to its location behind the plane of the Milky Way, where dust and stars obscure background galaxies ...

Milky Way part of newly identified galactic super cluster | Science ...

A team of astronomers has demonstrated that our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of a newly identified ginormous super cluster of galaxies, ...

Hyperion: A Supercluster Recently Discovered in the Early Universe -

As it turns out even our own Milky Way galaxy is part of a supercluster named Laniakea. “I think this is one of the most amazing studies that ...

Scientists find galaxy supercluster as massive as 26 quadrillion suns

Astronomers have discovered a treasure trove of 662 new galactic superclusters, the most prominent of which, the Einasto Supercluster, ...

Laniakea: Our local supercluster.

The border of Laniakea isn't well-defined, but the astronomers decided how to get a sense of it: its gravity. Put a galaxy near Laniakea; if it ...

Naming Our Home Supercluster of Galaxies - SpaceRef

The Milky Way resides in the outskirts of one such supercluster, whose extent has for the first time been carefully mapped using these new ...

Discovery of the Largest-class Monster Supercluster of Galaxies in ...

... discovered a massive supercluster of galaxies about 5.5 billion light ... In fact, the Milky Way is also inside the Laniakea supercluster ...

Laniakea • Our Home Supercluster | By Astronomy Nation - Facebook

Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. Redrawing ...

Birth of a Supercluster | Centauri Dreams

Thus the Milky Way is considered part of both the Local Group as well as the Laniakea Supercluster, which is itself home to approximately ...

Meet Vela, the Huge Supercluster Just Detected by Astronomers

Hiding beyond the Milky Way is the Vela supercluster, a newly discovered group containing several galaxy clusters, each containing hundreds or thousands of ...

[ScienceD] Newly identified galactic supercluster is home to the ...

Astronomers using the Green Bank Telescope -- among other telescopes -- have determined that our own Milky Way galaxy is part of a newly identified ginormous ...

Astronomers Discover A Massive Wall Of Galaxies In Southern ...

The newly identified structure is a colossal supercluster of galaxies that even includes our own Milky Way Galaxy ... home from the ...

Large Scale Structures - NASA Science

Superclusters are large collections of galaxy clusters, groups, and individual galaxies that are typically not gravitationally bound to each other. The Local ...

How Astronomers Found Our Cosmic Address | Scientific American

The Milky Way turns out to be part of a massive supercluster of galaxies that forms one of the largest known structures in the universe.

Milky Way is part of galactic supercluster Laniakea - The Biogeologist

New findings of astronomers at the University of Hawaii presented in Nature show that the Milky Way is part of a gigantic supercluster of galaxies called ...

The mysterious 'Great Attractor' pulling the Milky Way galaxy off course

Transcript. Enlarge this image. This illustration shows the Milky Way, our home galaxy. ... Most recently, the prime suspect is the supercluster ...