
Oesophageal cancer

Oesophageal cancer | nidirect

Oesophageal cancer affects the oesophagus (gullet) - the long tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. See your GP if you have the symptoms ...

Types of Esophageal Cancer

Most esophageal cancers can be classified as one of two types: adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

Esophageal Cancer - University of Colorado School of Medicine

Esophagus cancer, more commonly known as esophageal cancer, starts when cells within the lining of the esophagus mutate or change and begin to multiply.

Facts about Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer occurs when cells in the esophagus begin to grow abnormally. They do not respond to regular cell growth, division and death signals like they ...

Esophageal Cancer Treatment | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Esophageal cancer develops in the esophagus, which is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach.

Oesophageal Cancer - Rare Cancers Australia

There are two main types of Oesophageal Cancer. The first and most common type is Oesophageal adenocarcinoma, which often begins near the gastro-oesophageal ...

About Oesophageal Cancer - Cancer Council NSW

Oesophageal cancer begins when abnormal cells develop in the innermost layer (mucosa) of the oesophagus. A tumour can start anywhere along the oesophagus. Learn ...

Esophagus and Stomach Cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, and ...

Common symptoms of esophageal cancer include difficulty swallowing. The struggle exists first with solid foods and will progress to liquids as well. As the ...

Oesophageal cancer: risks, prevention, and diagnosis - The BMJ

This review aims to guide generalists through the referral and early diagnosis processes of oesophageal cancer, as well as highlighting risk and current ...

Causes and risk factors of oesophageal cancer

It is unknown what causes oesophageal cancer, but risk factors include long-term acid reflux, obesity and smoking.

Why Is Oesophageal Cancer So Hard To Cure?

If caught early enough, oesophageal cancer may be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy. If undiagnosed or left untreated too long, ...

Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and staging of esophageal cancer


Oesophageal Cancer | Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

Adenocarcinoma is the most common type in the UK and usually occurs in the lower part of the oesophagus at the point where it meets the stomach ...

Oesophageal Cancer Treatment Options - Cancer Council Victoria

Chemoradiation. Oesophageal cancer may be treated with chemoradiation before surgery to shrink the cancer and make it easier to remove. Chemoradiation may also ...

Esophageal Cancer - MSD Manual Professional Edition

The most common malignant tumor in the proximal two thirds of the esophagus is squamous cell carcinoma; adenocarcinoma is the most common in the distal one ...

Cancer of the oesophagus - NHS 111 Wales

Ask for an urgent GP appointment or get advice from NHS 111 Wales or call 111: 111 Wales will tell you what to do. They can arrange a phone call from a nurse ...

Deborah's story (oesophageal cancer)

One year on from surgery and Deborah is on the path to rebuilding her life, “Initially I lost a stone in weight, but gradually my appetite has returned. My ...

Oesophageal cancer

Why we focus on oesophageal cancer. There are around 9,200 new oesophageal cancer cases diagnosed in the UK each year. Patients with oesophageal cancer have a ...

Oesophageal cancer: Symptoms & Treatment | GenesisCare UK

What are the symptoms of oesophageal cancer? · Feeling tired, or shortness of breath · Indigestion or heart burn that doesn't go away · Nausea and vomiting ...

Oesophageal Cancer - Gut Cancer Foundation

Oesophageal Cancer can develop anywhere along the length of the oesophagus but it most commonly arises in the lower third, towards the stomach end.