
Six Reasons Baby Teeth Are Important

Why the Baby Teeth Are Important

A child only has baby teeth for a few years of their life. However, those teeth are prone to tooth decay and should still be taken care of for ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Kendall Park, New Jersey

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Irvine, CA | Children's Dentistry

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Orange, California

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Value of Primary Teeth by Associates In Family Dentistry

One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Your Child's Baby Teeth Are Important | Columbia, SC

Baby teeth should last around six to eight years. A healthy and complete smile will help your child bite and chew food without difficulty.

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Los Angeles, CA

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary "baby" Teeth Important? | Indianapolis, Indiana

Self-confidence – Even very young children can be quick to point out ugly teeth and crooked smiles. Taking good care of primary teeth can make social ...

5 Reasons Why Baby Teeth are Important - Hills Dental Group

During a baby's teething, the primary teeth leave room for the adult teeth and help their proper positioning. As we said earlier, if the baby loses a tooth ...

Why Should I Do Dental Work On My Child's Baby Teeth?

4 Reasons Why Dental Work Is Essential For Baby Teeth · Eliminates pain and discomfort – Anyone who has had a serious cavity or an infected tooth knows that it ...

The importance of baby teeth -

But baby teeth serve another very important purpose--they save space for the child's future permanent teeth. A baby tooth usually remains in the child's mouth ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Los Altos, CA

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Kingston, OK

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | Phoenix, AZ - Wee Care Dental

To avoid periodontal disease, children should practice an adult-guided oral care routine each day, and infant gums should be rubbed gently with a clean, damp ...

Why Are Baby Teeth Important? - Park 56 Dental, New York, NY

Baby teeth are an important factor in the alignment of your child's smile later in life because they act as placeholders for his permanent teeth. When a baby ...

The Importance of Baby Teeth - Dr. Martin Rube, Westchester

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? · What are the functions of primary teeth? · Speech production and development – Learning to speak clearly is crucial for ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? - Las Vegas - Dr. Douglas Prince

To avoid periodontal disease, children should practice an adult-guided oral care routine each day, and infant gums should be rubbed gently with a clean, damp ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | New Haven, Connecticut

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? | El Cajon, CA | Keen Dentistry

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...

Why Are Primary Teeth Important? - Columbus Kids Dentistry

Straighter smiles – One of the major functions of primary teeth is to hold an appropriate amount of space for developing adult teeth. In addition, these spacers ...