
Spelling and hyphenation

Hyphens - The Writing Center @ KUMC

They create compound words such as “free-for-all.” As connectors, hyphens prevent ambiguity and clarify meaning. For complete hyphenation rules, see Chicago ...

Custom Hyphenation – Add a word to Hyphenation Dictionary?

Go to Tools > Spelling and click on the Options button. Select a dictionary and click Edit. Then enter the word. Put hyphens in where the word ...

hyphenated or not? - Words And Spelling - University of Otago

hyphenated or not ; large-scale, Fewer New Zealanders are now dying in large-scale disaster events but that is not the case across the Tasman, a study has found.

Using Hyphens Correctly - University of Houston-Victoria

use a hyphen in compound nouns is to look up the word in the dictionary. If the compound noun is not found in the dictionary, most often the words should not be ...

Hyphenation - Butterick's Practical Typography

Hyphenation is the automated process of breaking words between lines to create more consistency across a text block.

Hyphens - How to Spell

In this lesson, we're going to look at how to use hyphens and how they change over time. The basic functions of the hyphen are: To link and glue two or more ...

Style Guide - Dashes and hyphens - University of Nottingham

Use a hyphen in a compound modifier (two or more words that work together to function like one adjective) when the modifier comes before the word it's modifying ...

Language settings, hyphenation and language checking

Manual hyphenation · Move the cursor to the place where you want the program to hyphenate the word. · Click on CTRL + hyphen. The tip will be shown in the word as ...

*Hyphenate two words when they are being used as a single ...

WHAT IS A HYPHEN? A hyphen (-) is a short line within a word that is used to compound, or join, two separate words or.

To Hyphenate or Not? An Editing Guide - Siege Media

When two words form a single thought, they are known as compound modifiers, and you should hyphenate them before a noun. You usually do not need to hyphenate ...

Hyphenation | Brand Central - Ontario Tech University

Two or more words are hyphenated when they are used as an adjective and clarity is needed for the reader.

Rules for open and closed hyphenation - C. S. Lakin

One hyphenation rule that you can almost take to the bank is this one: when you use a compound adjective (or phrasal adjective) before a noun, use a hyphen. - Get correct hyphenation for any word online

Fastest Online Hyphenation. Hyphens are occasionally used to denote syllabification, as in syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion.

The Hyphen - Guide to Grammar and Writing

An excellent online resource on hyphen use is the Editing Workshop by Sonia Jaffe Robbins at New York University.

To hyphenate or not to hyphenate – Editing tips and tricks

My copy of Michael Swan's Practical English Usage from 2015 gives examples of hyphenated compound words that, according to the two online ...

How does Hyphenation Work in Excel & Why Should I Use It? - Lenovo

Hyphenation in computing refers to the process of dividing a word at the end of a line, using a hyphen (-) to separate syllables and improve the appearance of ...

Hyphens | Empire State University

Use hyphens with some prefixes and suffixes: "self-," "all-," "ex-" (when it means former), "quasi-," and with the suffix 'elect.' self-esteem all-encompassing ...

Hyphens, Fractions, Numbers -

However, the hyphen is "heard" -- we do not pronounce the elements of such compounds as distinct words but slur them together--and omission of ...

Hyphens and Dashes | EF United States

A hyphen joins two or more words together while a dash separates words into parenthetical statements. The two are sometimes confused because they look so ...

Hyphens - Punctuation - Academic Guides at Walden University

Use a hyphen when a compound phrase is used as an adjective to modify the following word: Example: The peer-reviewed research suggested... ... Example: Anderson ( ...