
The Education Effect Tutoring

The pandemic has had devastating impacts on learning. What will it ...

We tracked changes in math and reading test scores across the first two years of the pandemic using data from 5.4 million US students in grades 3-8.

In-school tutoring and classroom practice: An integrated curriculum ...

However, as a mode of instruction that extends beyond traditional whole-class teaching (Wasik and Slavin, 1993), in-school tutoring has the ...

Tutoring effectiveness decreases as programs grow in size

“Our analyses reveal a stark pattern of declining effects of tutoring programs when taken to scale,” write the researchers, who looked at 265 ...

Does tutoring work? An education economist examines ... -

If educators want to reap the benefits of tutoring, research shows it should be high-impact tutoring that is built into the schools over the ...

What is the Difference Between High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) and ...

An important tenet of high-impact tutoring is its emphasis on frequent and sustained interactions between tutors and students. Trained tutors ...

Students aren't benefiting much from tutoring, one new study shows

The research evidence was strong; more than a hundred studies had shown remarkable academic gains for students who were frequently tutored every ...

High Impact Tutoring and the Blended Learning Model

○ What design principles are critical to support a tutoring program? ○ 'The Educator Multiplier'. ○ The intersection between Blended Learning Principles and ...

Bloom's 2 sigma problem - Wikipedia

Bloom's 2 sigma problem refers to the educational phenomenon that the average student tutored one-to-one using mastery learning techniques performed two ...

Could Tutoring Be the Best Tool for Fighting Learning Loss?

Mitchell's employer, explained that high-impact tutoring “has to be built into the school day, not as an after-school afterthought.” In addition ...

The Impact Of After-School Tutoring On Elementary Student ...


K-12's Tutoring Boom Could Have Been Fueled By Suspect Science

Tutoring has soared in the past three years as schools, school systems, and a raft of states launched statewide initiatives fueled by billions in federal ...

The impact of artificial intelligence on learner–instructor interaction ...

For example, AI tutoring ... The AI in Education (AIEd) community is increasingly exploring the impact of AI systems in online education.

Perspectives: The Potential of High-Impact Tutoring

It's clear that the status quo classroom instruction is failing to meet the needs of students. Pete Lavorini points to the continued ...

Building and Sustaining High-Impact Tutoring - Results for America

For students from lower income families, tutoring has been shown to be one of the most effective educational approaches to improve academic achievement.

Littera Education | Every student deserves a great tutor

Designing and delivering successful high-impact tutoring programs is all we do. Our extensive experience, service culture, and evidence-based practices come ...

News - High-impact tutoring drives significant student...

The Illinois Tutoring Initiative has served 2,424 students in 140 schools at 64 districts to date during the 2023-24 school year, with tutoring ...

The Effect of Peer Tutoring in Reducing Achievement Gaps

We describe the effects of three semesters of a newly implemented peer tutoring program at Humboldt State University, which is classified as a Hispanic-Serving ...

Academic support through tutoring, guided learning, and ... - Frontiers

Introduction: Engaging students in co-planning their learning paths, peer cooperation, tutoring, and network building in an inclusive and project-based ...

High-dosage tutoring for academically at-risk students | NWEA

Evaluations of recovery programs such as summer school have found marginal or null effects on student achievement, with districts facing many ...

High-Impact Tutoring: Family and Caregiver Toolkit

We believe the education system was not designed to serve all children, and the biggest barrier to having access to an excellent school is a lack of political ...