
The societal impact of Open Science

The academic impact of Open Science: a scoping review - OSF

Open Science seeks to make research processes and outputs more accessible, transparent, and inclusive, ensuring that scientific findings can ...

Open Science and social impact is the theme of an online ...

Event organised by AESIS, a network for the advancement and evaluation of the impact of science.

Keeping Up With... Open Science - American Library Association

Open science impacts technology, policy, and the governance of knowledge institutions. Interconnections between policy and the ways researchers want to work is ... - Open Science Announcements from Federal Agencies

Open Science is the principle and practice of making research products and processes available to all, while respecting diverse cultures, maintaining security ...

(Re)Opening the Social Sciences: The Challenges of Open Science

Opening up research data and making it freely accessible for sharing and reuse is a core issue of open science. But it does not guarantee the ...

Measuring the societal impact of open science -

Measuring the societal impact of open science – Presentation of a research project. Address:1Research Unit for the Sociology of Education, University of ...

The future(s) of open science

... effect of an open science imperative for greater discipline and struc- tured research collaboration, and then explore the extent to which the science had as a.

paywalls and the public rationale for open access medical research ...

Open access allows medical evidence that can impact the policies and practices that shape population health to be widely distributed and freely ...

SSRN: Home

SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of preprints and research papers and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.

Open Science – For Whom?

Open Science in principle holds the potential to reduce inequality, but this is not going to happen unless it operates within a consistent ...

Open Science | United Nations

UNESCO's Open Science Outlook 1 warns that the “cultural shift to open science will only be possible with adequate monitoring of its impacts, including its ...

Open Science and Open Data - Research Data Management

Increase the impact and value of research: Open research is more widely available, broadening the audience and greatly expanding the opportunities for research ...

KI - Open Science | Research at UCalgary | University of Calgary

Open Science has been widely accepted as critical to advancing science and society. The reproducibility and replicability crises demonstrated the importance of ...

Open Science Beyond Open Access: For and with communities

More recently, digital technologies allow online and open-access journals to build their reputations through social networks rather than the journal impact ...

Open Science: the Very Idea - OAPEN Library

It is argued that Open Science is a truly and historically unique movement in that it translates the analysis of the problems of science into major ...

Open Science @ FAPESP

The ultimate goal of Open Science is to promote innovation and advancement of knowledge through collaboration among scientists and reuse of outputs, thereby ...

The impact of COVID-19 on the debate on open science - Nature

It was commonly believed that open science had played a positive role in the response to the pandemic, creating a clear 'line of sight' between ...

Chapter: 3 The State of Open Science - The National Academies Press

These trends include the emergence of open publishing venues, author self-archiving through institutional repositories and preprint servers, and open ...

Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy - jstor

The world is facing unprecedented social, environmental and economic challenges that will require policymakers, business, scientists and citizens to open up ...

Open Science Week - Allen Institute

Open science is a set of principles, practices, and standards for making scientific resources openly available to the community, including scientists, students, ...