
Using For and While Loops for User Input in Python

How to decrement using a for or while loop? - Team Treehouse

format(num_tickets)) #prompts the user if this is the correct value that they entered verify = input("Is this correct? Y/N? ") #if the value is ...

How can I fix a ValueError when trying to terminate a while loop in ...

The numeric conversion portion of the code is working, however, if the user inputs "exit" the while loop is supposed to terminate and output " ...

While true loop, i want to give the user another reply for his second try

answer = input ("Stranger: Can you provide us your information ?(Y/N): ") .upper() · while True : · if answer == “Y” : · break · if answer == “N”:

JavaScript while Loop - W3Schools

If you have read the previous chapter, about the for loop, you will discover that a while loop is much the same as a for loop, with statement 1 and statement 3 ...

#7. Python User inputs and While Loops - YouTube

In this chapter you'll learn how to accept user input so your program can then work with it. When your program needs a name, you'll be able ...

Python - Explained with While Loop Flowchart - Intellipaat

While loop statements in Python are used to repeatedly execute a certain statement as long as the condition provided in the while loop statement stays true.

Input a List using Loops in Python - YouTube

Python Programming: Input a List using Loops in Python Topics discussed: 1. Problem associated with the input() Method. 2. Input a List ...

Newbie question - Programming help - Python discussion

Start by ignoring the while loop. Write some code that gets input from the user (hint: you can use the input function) and then does a three ...

Python User Input - W3Schools

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, ...

for and while loops in Python - LogRocket Blog

for and while loops are essential to Python. Learn their syntax, how to loop with numbers and lists, and important loop control statements.

C while and do...while Loop - Programiz

Here, we have used a do...while loop to prompt the user to enter a number. The loop works as long as the input number is not 0 . The do...while loop ...

User Input For List Using While Loop | Python Programs - YouTube

In this python programs video tutorial you will learn how to take user input for lists using while loop in detail. User Input For List Using ...

Repeat while loop? - Python discussion

keep_going = input("Keep going? (y/n) ") if ... Ive got it playing multiple games… but its not asking if the user wants to continue…

Python Programs to Print Pattern - 35+ Number, Pyramid, Star Patterns

rows = 6 # if you want user to enter a number, uncomment the below ... To print this pattern we need to use two set of three while loops.

Using the len() Function in Python

Verifying the Length of a User Input. A common use case of len() is to ... You're now using the result from len() in the while statement. If the user ...

Python - Loop Lists - W3Schools

You can loop through the list items by using a while loop. Use the len() function to determine the length of the list, then start at 0 and loop your way ...

Python Conditional statements and loops [ 44 Exercises with Solution]

42. Write a Python program to calculate the sum and average of n integer numbers (input from the user). Input 0 to finish. Click me to ...

8. DevNet - Python User Input Function, and While Loops - Part 7

Part 7 introduces the basics of the user input() function, while loops and the modulo operator in Python. The Cisco DevNet Associate ...

Stuck on loops question code - Python Help

I'm stuck on this loops question. if anyone can help please to write the code. Task: Create a program using a while loop that ... user input is a ...

R While Loop - W3Schools

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, ...