
What a Journal Impact Factor Is and Isn't

Impact! II | Journal of Cell Science | The Company of Biologists

As we discussed, we use the impact factor, the average citations per paper for the past two-year period, as a guide to where to publish our work ...

Does an increase in a journal's impact factor mean that it is ...

"Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within the last ...

How to think about impact factors: A researcher's perspective

The impact factor of a journal measures a type of prestige and age, not quality. And it's not prestigious to everybody.

Journal Impact Factors – Association for Psychological Science – APS

I certainly take citations seriously; they indicate at least to some degree the impact and worth of a paper. But journal impact factors seem to ...

What is a high impact journal and what is an impact factor?

Nature, Science, and Cell come to mind. An impact factor is basically an average of how often an article published in that journal gets cited.

Not-so-deep impact | Nature

The impact factor is taken by some administrators as a measure of the typical citation rate for the journal. But for many journals, it isn't ' ...

Engineering Grad Student Seminars: Journal Impact - Guides

Journal Impact Factors ... Journal impact measurements reflect the importance of a particular journal in a field and take into account the number ...

Scholarly Metrics Resources for Pepperdine Authors

The Journal Impact Factor is a metric that measures how many times a journal's articles have been cited by other journals. The Journal Impact ...

Choosing & Assessing Journals - Social Work Research

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is the only product that creates a true impact factor, and JCR doesn't provide broad coverage of education ...

Journal impact factors??? - John Joseph M. Carrasco

Journal impact factors??? Wherein I relate formal theorists to ... This isn't us – we're sitting on tons of impact data (whimsy driven ...

Maximizing Research Impact: A Guide to High Impact Factor Journals

That's the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for you, a measure of the average number of citations received by the individual articles published in a ...

LibGuides: Authors / Researchers: What is your impact?

Determine your impact · 1. Citation counts in Web of Science · 2. Analyze the citing articles · 3. Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers · 4. Author ...

journal impact factor Archives - ECS - The Electrochemical Society

Essentially, the impact factor of a journal is the average number of times the journal's article is cited over the past two years. However, this number becomes ...

Why Does PRL Have Such Small Impact Factor? - Physics Forums

The impact factor of a journal is determined by the number of citations its articles receive divided by the total number of articles published ...

Getting Published in Higher Impact Journals: Some Pointers

Impact factors for journals vary a lot by particular disciplines. For instance, in the medical and scientific fields, there's quite a quick turn ...

The Journal Impact Factor is under attack – use the CAPCI factor ...

The JIF indicates the average number of citations received by papers published in a specific journal over a specific period of time. The ...

Why fit is more important than impact factor in choosing a journal to ...

There is a great deal of discussion on the internet these days about impact factors of journals (e.g. Stephen Heard's take and or the ...

The Impact Factor Game - The Official PLOS Blog

It doesn't take a great deal of thought to see why the 'worth' of a paper isn't well assessed by the Impact Factor of the journal in which it is ...

On 'lower impact' publishing – it's better than you might think.

I would hope scientists know which journals in their field are solid independent of the Impact Factor of the journal. That is the main thing a ...

The Rise and Fall of PLOS ONE's Impact Factor (2012 = 3.730)

While many scholars and editors eschew the notion of attributing the success of individual articles by the prominence of the journal, scientific ...