
When Reformed Theology Isn't Calvinism| part 1

Calvinism - Reformed Perspective

The authors show that Calvinism stands for the doctrine that all humankind is sinful. Human beings will not and cannot make their way to God, retrieve their own ...

When All Doesn't Mean All: Calvinism Gets it Right - Mike D'Virgilio

When I was first introduced to Reformed theology, or Calvinism, I was a default Arminian. The first person who challenged my assumptions ...


Biblical theology is a way of reading the Bible as one story in narrative form and tends to be free will and spirit led. It seeks to understand ...

For the Card-carrying New Calvinist - Calvary Chapel

Why are we still talking about New Calvinism as if it is this morning's breaking theological news? Sometimes it feels a little bit like Piper ...

reformed but not Reformed* - Theology in the raw

... 1 Cor 11: The Meaning of Kephalē Part 11. Introduction 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 is an exegetical minefield. Almost every line is subject to ...

Calvinism and Catholicism (w/ Redeemed Zoomer) - Catholic Answers

... one of the one true church churches, I feel just most drawn to Catholicism because it is most similar to Reformed theology. So that's by far ...

How Did John Piper Become a Calvinist? - Desiring God

It isn't in the Bible. Not one verse teaches ... We dealt, as all systematic theology classes do, with the doctrine of election and grace.

Five reasons Calvinism is a false doctrine | by Keith Rivas - Medium

One of the growing trends in popular Christianity is the theological approach better known as Calvinism. This approach, named after its ...

Difference between Calvinism and Arminianism - Sunday

Calvinism is based on the theological beliefs and teachings of a leader of the Reformation named John Calvin who was alive in the 1500's, and ...

The Latest Post - Why John MacArthur Is Not "Reformed" - Riddleblog

I am Southern Baptist, totally a 5 point Calvinist, consider myself Reformed and Covenantal in Theology, Like JM but do know he isn't Reformed ...

“Four-point” and “five-point” Calvinism defined - Thoughts Theological

That's an absolute desire and a desire about God's action alone, not one conditioned on man's actions. So the 4 point C isn't denying God ...

Calvinism and the Problem of Evil (Or, Dealing with the Sparsity ...

It seems to me that the driving thrust of Calvinism is its dependency upon certain interpretations of the biblical text. Thus, when theologians ...

What is the New Calvinism? - G3 Ministries

The New Calvinism movement presupposes a Calvinistic doctrine which is often used interchangeably with Reformed doctrine. Calvinism remains ...

Calvinism: So Hot Right Now - Brett McCracken

Here are a few of my initial thoughts—as someone who increasingly identifies with Reformed theology: Calvinism is about certainty. In an era ...

After Calvin: A wee history - Athanasian Reformed -

Studies of the Reformed or Calvinistic theology of the late ... Oh yes, I “get” neo-Calvinism; it really isn't that difficult to get.

How can God be loving and just whilest creating people for His ...

Doctrines in Reformed Theology about Unconditional Election and Limited atonement are things that might pop up into one's mind with respect to ...

Salvation in Christ: A Calvinist Perspective | Religious Studies Center

The idea of a doctrine of salvation immediately raises the question: Savaltion from what? The Heidelberg Catechism, one of the Reformed confessions endorsed ...

What We Mean by God's Sovereignty | Calvary Chapel Oxnard

I can't promote Calvinism or what's often called “Reformed” theology because the more I've studied, the more convinced I am it is in grievous ...

Answering a Critic of Reformed Theology | Effectual Grace

Critic: The danger for Christians is that only one baby step separates the Calvinism taught in mainstream Evangelical churches from the logical ...

The Superficial Systematic Splendor of Calvinism Leads to ...

Several years ago, I read an article about the increased popularity of Reformed theology among Southern Baptists, and the author was more ...