
Why Do We Love Games So Much?

"This might just look like a picture... - Love What Matters | Facebook

I have to not bitch too much about video games. My husband spent most of his weekend gaming. It's something he doesn't do often. Also when ...

Research Says Parents And Kids Should Play Video Games Together

I'm not surprised. Learning is experiential, and games are complex simulations that require advanced problem solving skills. It is easy to learn ...

Boys and Video Games: They Love Gaming and I'm Not Worried

Tech and storytelling in games are evolving. I see first-hand the positive influences of powerful storytelling, coupled with amazing graphics and concepts. And, ...

Family Games We Love! - Brooke Romney Writes

I love games. Mike thinks they are okay, and my kids range from thinking they are mediocre to amazing. But, it is so much more fun to play ...

The truth about love games revealed: What makes players... players?

Players want to look good and desirable in front of other people's eyes because, as mentioned above, we want to feel loved. At first, these love ...

Why I Quit Video Games and How You Can Too - Nick Lafferty

I made many great friends playing games. Hell, the relationship with my wife started when we played video games together. We wouldn't be ...

Playing Games to Cope: Behind the Scenes @ Happy Brain Science

Science suggests that what we're feeling right now is totally OK. In order to cope, I've seen many people taking up comforting, engrossing ...

Why I Am Passionate About Playing Video Games - YouTube

In this episode I talk about how I got started playing video games, why I love playing them, and how they can help connect people in our ...

Video Games Are Boring |

Because we as an industry fail at the first two, my friends don't get to experience that gaming is perhaps the most powerful medium for learning ...

I Finally Found Myself After I Stopped Gaming - Game Quitters

I loved playing video games so much, and I was genuinely passionate about them. I excelled in school, so my parents didn't see any problems with my gaming. But ...

Why I Love Board Games (And Why I Think You Should Too)

It looks cool! What was it?!” or “I had no idea so many neat games existed!” by friends and family. I make it a point to post ...

Elden Ring reminds me why I love video games - Sports Illustrated

As a games journalist I play too many games. There are always more games to play, and there aren't enough hours in the day. This can ...

I love video games but I'm also terrible at them – does that matter?

Sometimes the game's difficulty curve can be attributed to poor game design, but often it's just the perversity of the challenges put before you ...

Why We Love Ellie From The Last of Us | The Psychology of Games

Video games often make us feel real emotions for such NPCs, so much so that we sometimes feel like we have a real relationship with them. Ellie ...

The Reality Behind Being a Girl Who Plays Video Games

This may be because they are talented, a fun way to interact with friends, or gaming, maybe their escape from reality. Today I will be sharing, ...

Why "Playing Hard To Get" Doesn't Work In Love | Matthew Hussey

What do you do when you feel like playing games ... I'm a giver by nature and happy to do so but they haven't reciprocated themselves to me much.

The surprising effects of video games with Ash Brandin (Transcript)

... that video games do are actually things we would love for education to do. ... If you look at the comments on that, there are so many ...

Who We Are | Riot Games

As we went from one game to many, we have expanded to over 4,500 Rioters ... we are all about making games and serving the people who love them. Close ...

A fifth of gamers love couch co-op, so where are all the games?

Having multiple players in the same room adds an entertaining, personable element that can attract more viewers and help the game reach a larger ...

Video Game Violence: Why Do We Like It, And What's It Doing To Us?

Gentile explains that there is a very basic reason that a lot of people think violent games are more exciting than say, Tetris. "These gamers do ...