Why Some People Refuse to Say They're Sorry
Saying I'm Sorry? Avoid This Word at All Costs. - Becoming Minimalist
It minimizes the impact of a genuine apology. It's like saying, “I know that you were hurt, but it wasn't really that bad. It's not that serious.” The word ...
Apologies & Forgiveness: What you owe, and to whom
Well, they say that forgiveness is for you and not for the person you're forgiving. So, if you're accepting an apology to avoid hurting someone's feelings ...
Does love mean never having to say you're sorry?
In fact, never admitting mistakes means they will likely be repeated. Many people make the same mistakes over and over again. Saying sorry for ...
Why the Dutch don't say sorry - BBC
The Netherlands may be a small country, but the Dutch are known for many things: cycling, cheese, coffee shops, windmills and being the tallest people in the ...
The Power of Apologizing: Relearn How to Say “I'm Sorry”
While you have the power to say sorry, the other person has the freedom to forgive or not to forgive. Perhaps this is what makes it so hard. We know that once ...
Autism, ADHD, and Apologizing - Starfish Social Club
There are people in the world who don't ever apologize for their words or actions. So it's easy to see why this is difficult for kids. The ...
Child won't say sorry? Don't use force, try this instead - mellownest
NOTE: It's not only children that this happens to. Have you ever been in a situation where you've done or said something to someone else that ...
Apologies Are For Other People, Not For You - Poly Philia
“I am not sure if you remember me,” it said. “I've recently been in touch with my faith again, and in the past years have had many near death ...
How to Apologize to Your Partner: Why it's More Than Saying Sorry
Fear of being seen as wrong, blamed, or weak act as obstacles to offering a sincere apology. If we have a fragile sense of self, it makes it ...
Why Women Apologize and Should Stop - The New York Times
They are employed when a situation is so clearly not our fault that we think the apology will serve as a prompt for the person who should be ...
How to Apologize: When “Sorry” Doesn't Cut It - iMOM
... someone takes a stand and says no more. I hope that this article will not ... saying we're sorry when we should. Great observation. Amy • 10 years ago.
Why Apologise if You've Done Nothing Wrong? - Medium
An apology is not a tool to protect yourself from the views of others, but rather a tool to express remorse for your personally defined unsatisfactory ...
Don't Apologize for Existing – TWLOHA
Sorry my hair sticks up on one side and I'm not wearing makeup. Sorry I'm so thin when you're trying to lose weight. Sorry for thinking about ...
Impact vs Intent: Why We Suck at Apologies
It may be cultural (in some cultures, a core assumption for intimate relationships is that apologies are implicit, so never offered explicitly) ...
Michael J. McCord, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Holds ...
Are they what the American people expect? I've said this before and I don't know if there's a different way to say it, but — not passing an ...
Dr. Becky at Good Inside - Refusal to apologize isn't a sign you have ...
Refusal to apologize is actually a sign that you have a child who is feeling massive amounts of guilt covered with a layer of shame and therefore defensiveness.
Why So Many People Are Going “No Contact” with Their Parents
Everyone else in the group seemed to hear God speak all the time, but Amy had never heard Him, not even a peep. Her hands didn't shimmer with ...
Why Sorry Isn't Enough and What People Really Want to Hear
The majority of people (a simple majority it seems) apologize. These folks are the best of the worst. They apologize, but that's all. They say ...
Why Some People Never Apologize - YouTube
I was raised with parents who do not ever apologize and I once said it to my mother and she dismissed my feelings by ridicule it.
Why Not Apologizing Makes You Feel Better - NPR
It's actually a sign of strength because if you look at the people who find it difficult to apologize, it's people who feel threatened, people ...