
Why is my animated GIF not working?

animated gif images not working after resize - ProcessWire

Hi! I have a image field with echo image->size(300300)->url; here: which when a gif is added the animation ...

Animated GIF images don't play in Gallery app - Fairphone 2

I have a problem that animate GIFs (eg the ones sent via instant messengers) don't play; they only show the first frame.

Animated GIF wont work - eM Client

I want to place an animated gif in email, it animates when placing it, but when sent it does not animate at the other end, quite deceiving.

How to create an animated .gif for your Instagram feed using ...

... the words in my animation looked like they were fading in to the picture. ... not really a GIF, it's technically a movie. Once you have rendered ...

Animated gifs in LinkedIn - HubSpot Community

As of now, LinkedIn does not support animated GIFs in posts, regardless of whether they are posted directly on the platform or scheduled through third-party ...

Animated GIF not animating in browser - Stack Overflow

Next/image will try to optimize any image you throw at it by default, and does not support GIFs. A workaround would be to set the ...

Where are my animated gif Files - Geocaching Forums

Inserting gif files is not so easy in a geocaching listing but there is a solution for it you have to upload the gif file in Google Drive make a link and ...

Using animated GIFs in an email - Constant Contact Knowledge Base

An animated GIF may look great, but if you have to justify or explain why you're using it, it's probably not the right image to support your ...

Is it possible to insert an animated gif? - Claris Community

... not find specific settings in the web viewer. Expand Post. Claris FileMaker ... Working sample attached. Expand Post. Unknown file type. Untitled. 5MB.

delay playing animated gif in PowerPoint

It does, but it's for a presentation and when the speaker is up at the podium, the clicker sends a signal for "next slide," not "clicked a ...

Add an animated gif, add other elements, and save as animated gif?

PDN opened and give me a message that "Image type not recognized and cannot be opened." Tried by first running PDN and trying to open the file ...

Using Animated GIF Images - MIT App Inventor Community

Hello, I use GIF images in my application and these images have movement when viewing the application on the computer. The problem is when I ...

GIF Support and GIF Fallbacks in Outlook Emails - Email On Acid

Desktop versions of Outlook are the would-be problem child for GIF-support in emails since Microsoft Outlook desktop applications from 2007 and ...

How to show animated gif image? #560 - fabricjs/fabric.js - GitHub

You need to add the gif as an element on the page so that the browser knows to update the image when it is on the canvas. Its a strange fix, but ...

Problem with gif image: the image, in OBS Studio, is not animated.

By selecting "Source Multimedia", the gif is properly displayed. Because for some gif simply load them with "Pictures" and other you have to use ...

Animated gif is not working - Unity Engine

Hi I am using a animated gif that displays “Loading…” and while it is used in game play it don't displays the dots(…).

Animated GIF Maker - Imgflip

Sometimes you have to click share, then exit out of the window, and then click share again. Other social media websites may have similar issues, because they ...

Animated gif questions - Axure RP 8

In general, a GIF animation starts not on page load, but when it first becomes visible. ... So, if you have an image widget that is hidden by ...

Animated gifs stop playing in Safari | Lay Theme Forum

... the visible area are not playing. When I scroll back to the gifs that were playing before, they stopped as well. When I put the mouse on any ...

Animated gif not moving, image.animation_mode already set to ...

Is there another core setting in firefox affecting this? I have tried disabled extensions and addons, but the problem persist. It won't happen ...