
Can your good works earn you the way to Heaven?

Will We Work in Eternity? - Desiring God

“Pastor John, hello and thank you for this podcast! I have a question about work in heaven — or work in the new creation, to be more exact.

Does everyone who claims to be saved go to heaven? - eBible

One must be IN Jesus Christ before receiving eternal salvation, meaning living with God in heaven forever. Just being a believer isn't enough. The same is true ...

The Good Reason for Good Works - Proverbs 31 Ministries

However, today I was struck by the fact that you mention that many religions feel that you have to earn your way into heaven by doing “good ...

Thoroughly Furnished Unto All Good Works! - Rick Renner Ministries

Therefore, if you're going to make it all the way to your destination, you will need all the equipment and gear you can get! Paul's words in Second Timothy 3:17 ...

How to Share the Gospel with Those Placing Faith in Good Works

I like to paint a scenario: “Let's pretend you died. God asks you 'Why should I let you into Heaven?' What would you say?” Make mental notes of ...


It is written that because of what Jesus Christ did (good deeds), he was given the power both in heaven, on earth and under the earth as a ...

What Will We Do in Heaven? | Ray Fowler .org

When you get to heaven, your real work has just begun. For the first time in your life you will be truly complete. It's like graduating from college with all of ...

If we are saved by faith alone, why do we need to keep holy and ...

But the kind of “faith” that is not combined with works is a kind which does not save. So, we need to keep doing good works. This is why the ...

11 So, is Salvation by Faith or by Works?: Romans 2:6-11

To insist on the necessity of perseverance in good deeds strikes them as a negation of faith. To obey, or to call for obedience, so they argue, ...

Will You Go to Heaven, if You Don't Attend Church?

Going to church is God's work, and salvation isn't something we earn by “works.” We can never “work” or perform “good deeds” to get to heaven.

His Grace Is Sufficient | Brad Wilcox - BYU Speeches

How can I help you?” She said ... I have born-again Christian friends who say to me, “You Mormons are trying to earn your way to heaven.”.

The Blessing and Necessity of Good Works - Gary Thomas

When you feel cherished by God, it follows that you want to cherish others. In Titus 3:1–14 alone, Paul mentions this pursuit three times: “be ...

Are good works necessary for eternal life? - Redeeming God

Some claim that while good works do not help a person gain eternal life, if a person does not have good works, then this proves that they never had eternal life ...

Good works bring rewards in Heaven? - Grace for my Heart

It is certainly true that the Scripture says there will rewards in Heaven that will somehow correspond to our works.

Devotional - How to Be Confident You Are Going to Heaven - GodLife

How can you know if you will go to heaven? Your salvation is held ... good works. Remember that Salvation is a Gift. “God saved you by ...

Do we get rewards in heaven? - Allelous Community Group

I believe the Bible teaches that Christians can earn greater rewards in heaven when they perform good deeds for God and His kingdom. You (a ...

Are You Doing The Will Of The Father? (Devo On Matthew 7:21-23)

God's will is that we do good works in order to KNOW Him, not to get into Heaven or get something from Him. His will is for us to have a relationship with Him, ...

What must I do to go to heaven? - La Vista Church of Christ

Faith is not just an outward statement, but it is a sincere conviction. "But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed ...

Do Works Matter? - Doctrine and Devotion

As Martin Luther said in his commentary on Galatians, “Works indeed are good, and God strictly requires them of us, but they do not make us holy ...

Will We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven?

A tragic experience like that is something you can't hide, you ... you get there you will have no remembrance of the former things. ALL ...