
Creating a Static Website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages the Easy Way

Jekyll From Scratch - YouTube

Jekyll is a great tool for generating static websites from simple markdown files ... How To Build A Website | Github Pages | Jekyll | Template.

How I Built My Blog with Jekyll and Netlify - Andrew Stiefel

They are a fantastic organization that makes it easy to build, deploy, and scale web projects. Using Jekyll, I can generate a website from my ...

Building a Free Blog with GitHub Pages in Minutes

Eventually I learned about GitHub Pages. It's a service provided by GitHub; They allow you to host a static website (no backend code), and they ...

Creating a static website with Jekyll | Tim Purdum

While working on the docs site for GeoBlazor, I was introduced to Jekyll. Now, I've heard of static site generators before, ...

Ask HN: Cheapest/easiest way to host a static site? | Hacker News

GitHub Pages is static hosting. If you don't need Jekyll, don't use it. There's nothing special about it. GitHub Pages does NOT charge for custom domains.

A GitHub Pages tutorial on how to host personal websites

However, GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, a simple web templating platform that makes it easy to create blogs and manage content. Jekyll isn't ...

Beautiful Jekyll - how to build a site in minutes - Dean Attali

GitHub Pages uses Jekyll, which is a simple static-page website generator that focuses on blogging. Being a static site generator means that ...

Plugin: Generate static blog website and publish to Github Pages

I'll make a try. 1 Like. pravsripad 2 October 2021 05:41 11. How difficult would it be to integrate jekyll to joplin-blog, I'm don't have much ...

How I created my blog - Jeroen Mols

First thing I learned was the difference between a static (e.g. Jekyll) and dynamic website (e.g. Wordpress) via a great presentation by @ ...

Testing GitHub Pages without Local Jekyll Setup - Automation Panda

GitHub Pages let you create a doc site for your repository using Markdown files. If you want to test your site before publishing it, ...

Making My Own Website Using GitHub Pages - LinkedIn

... create a simple, static website using the Jekyll platform hosted on GitHub Pages. ... how to code in HTML. I mean, I can look through an ...

Host a website for free with GitHub Actions and DigitalOcean

Alternatives to Jekyll · Hugo: presented as the world's fastest framework for building websites, Hugo is an open-source static site generator ...

Figma to HTML & CSS - How I coded my first website - mstflotfy

Jekyll is a static site generator. I use Jekyll so that I can write my articles in Markdown, push them to GitHub, and the changes would go live.

I just stumbled on Jekyll. What is it and how is it useful for static pages?

You write your content in text editor and it gets converted into a website...using Jekyll. So no css knowledge is required, just focus on ...

Welcome to my new Jekyll-based Blog | Niklas Heidloff

GitHub provides free and commercial hostings of Jekyll sites via GitHub Pages. When new code or blogs posts are pushed to GitHub, GitHub Actions ...

Deploying a Static Site with Cron and Git | Zell Liew

Step 2: Push the Build folder into a Different Git Branch ... There are multiple ways to deploy a static site. The easiest way is to transfer ...

Migrating from WordPress to Jekyll remote-theme and GitHub Pages

Instead, my new platform generates static HTML pages from easy-to-read Markdown files and a Jekyll remote theme called Minimal Mistakes, and ...

How to create a contact form for a GitHub Pages served Jekyll website

... io. It's a key/value pair storage service that supports the "client-side only environments" like static websites. It's super easy to use it ...

Creating a fast and mobile-friendly website with Jekyll - Nicolas Hery

It's extensible: Since a static site generator like Jekyll only focuses on turning plain text files into HTML, and provides you with a plugin ...

How to make a personal website with github pages - YouTube

No git experience is necessary; we'll do it all by editing files in the Github GUI.