
Do you believe that Church doctrine can change?

What aspects of LDS Church teachings/doctrine do you still believe ...

If anyone has any information that can correct me in this regard, I am certainly open to changing my mind. Finally, I openly reject the racist narrative in the ...

Should I leave my church because I do not agree with the doctrine?

Doctrine is more important than most Christians believe these days. For example, in 2 Timothy 2:17-18 we read that two men are rebuked for teaching that the ...

How To Know When It's Time to Find a New Church

... changing of the pastor can often feel like a complete change of the church. ... I am older and think we should be teaching the younger ones what ...

How I Joined the Resistance - The Lamp Magazine

I became convinced that Mamaw would accept Catholic theology even if its cultural trappings made her feel uneasy. ... If you can't read ...

Catholic Convert: Why An Evangelical Became Catholic - Catholica

The Catholic Church will not—and indeed cannot—change or contradict its doctrine or moral teachings. Teachings may indeed develop over time and disciplinarily, ...

What is wrong with Catholicism? - La Vista Church of Christ

Catholics, at least in the hierarchy, believe that authority rests in the church. The Scriptures are seen as just one of many sources to be used ...

Catholicism Is Not Biblical Christianity - The Set-Apart Walk

In the Catholic Church priests are of the utmost importance. Catholics believe they are the mediator between themselves and God. All Christians ...

Does the Church Still Believe in Indulgences? - Ascension Press

And it's precisely because Protestants reject this two-fold consequence of sin that their theology has no room for any of these three. Purgatory ...

7 Key Differences Between Protestant and Catholic Doctrine

You're saved by grace, but how you receive that grace and what that grace does and whether it's a one-time entrance into the Christian life or ...

Changing Churches - Why Some People Should -

Give your church freedom, and only consider leaving if changes go against your theology, morals, or strategy-fit (I made that phrase up, and ...

Is it a Sin to Change Churches? -

In fact, I can think of a number of contemporary spiritual leaders who would ... Frankly, the doctrine that you can't leave a church that teaches sound ...

A Response To Christians Who Are Done With Church

You can't disassociate from the church as a Christian any more than you ... If you think the church today isn't enough (and arguably, we need to reform ...

A Case for Change: Reform and Church Teaching

Doctrines can and do change, not in the mode of “rupture,” but in the mode of “reform.” Such reform can neither be collapsed into an ex nihilo ...

Does Doctrine Change? - Eric Sammons

The historical record of Church teaching does pose a challenge: Christian doctrine is unchanging, yet history has shown that changes do ...

Is change in the Church's teaching on sexuality inevitable? - Psephizo

We should note from the outset that his own 'change of mind' is something quite different from what he is suggesting the Church might do. He ...

The Church Doesn't Teach What You Think It Does (Guest: Jimmy ...

Jimmy Akin is a convert to Catholicism and the author of many books, including Teaching with Authority, The Fathers Know Best, Mass Revision ...

Does Getting Christian Doctrine Right Really Matter?

Further, I am convinced Catholicism is true; and that the Catholic Church is therefore right in what she teaches. The pillar and bulwark of ...

Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible? (And How Are We Saved?)

The New Testament Scripture is an outgrowth of Catholic Tradition. Catholic Sacred Tradition is the Teaching of Jesus Christ which the Catholic ...

Why You Can't Change Your Church (Part 1 of 4) - 9Marks

But apart from those exceptional times, if you aren't the person who is formally charged to preach the Word and lead the church, then you can't ...

Dealing With Doctrinal Differences - Liberty Hills Bible Church

Doctrine is one of the most divisive things in the church, for good reason. What we believe Scripture teaches determines our understanding of ...

In His Steps

Novel by Charles Sheldon

In His Steps is a religious fiction novel written by Charles Monroe Sheldon. First published in 1896, the book has sold more than 50 million copies and ranks as one of the bestselling books of all time.

The Prince

Book by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince is a 16th-century political treatise written by the Italian diplomat, philosopher, and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli in the form of a realistic instruction guide for new princes.