
Gatsby Prismic Preview not showing edits

Migrate to the Preview Plugin with Gatsby - Documentation - Prismic

Change the withPreview() import to withPrismicPreview() and edit the arguments provided to the function in your preview-enabled page components or templates.

Trouble implementing previews with multi-locale site - Prismic People

Hello, Which are you using the @prismicio/gatsby-source-prismic-graphql plugin? the useStaticQuery should be working. the path set ...

Prismic and Gatsby 5 Incompatibility Issues

Prismic's Github has an open issue to address support for Gatsby 5. This issue was said to be addressed in an update to Prismic Plugins that were meant to be ...

Prismic Preview Feature - Fetch all draft items always

I am using Prismic Preview with Gatsby/NextJs and as far as I know, prismic creates a token session where users can preview a single content ...

What's the purpose of a linkResolver and how does ... - Prismic People

If the preview route is set to /preview in your setting, the idea is that when you make changes on your Prismic repository and haven't published ...

How to view draft/published JSON file - Prismic People

The Gatsby/Prismic plugin only pulls content from Prismic when it builds. So if you make any changes, you need to re-build the site to see those ...

Can't close the Preview module (Chrome) - Prismic People

I have the same bug here. I am using gatsby and prismic and the preview never closes, whenever I hit the cross icon the page reloads with ...

Prismic type not displaying type tab data in GraphQL

When you make any changes to the Custom types and documents in your prismic repository, you need to then run gatsby clean in your project to ...

Topics tagged gatsby - Prismic People

gatsby ; Gatsby Plugin Prismic Previews gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews not working · Developing with Prismic · gatsby. 10 ; I can't orderings by array.

Gatsby + Prismic and PageSpeed Insights

CSS Tailwind isn't setup to purge unused CSS. · Bundle size. This is what the bundle analyzer outputs for the demo repository: · Source maps