
Highly compensated employee

Highly Compensated Employee - Lingo - J Kent Staffing

To qualify for tax advantages, retirement plans cannot be overly favorable to highly compensated employees. The definition of HCE is crucial in determining ...

Who is a Highly Compensated Employee? | Benefits Law Update

an employee is a highly compensated employee if either ... (1) The employee is a 5 percent owner at any time during the plan year or the preceding ...

New Overtime Rules To Affect Millions of Employees, Their Employers

The regulations contain a special rule for “highly compensated” employees who are paid total annual compensation (amount as determined in the ...

Are You Really A Highly Compensated Employee?

The Fair Labor Standards Act provides for overtime pay protections for certain employees. 'Highly compensated employees,' as defined by the act, are exempt.

Navigating the FLSA's Impact on Highly-Compensated Employees

Highly Compensated Employees: Under FLSA, highly compensated employees are those who earn a total annual compensation of $107,432 or more. To ...

Highly Compensated Officer Name - Federal Spending Transparency

The last name of an individual identified as one of the five most highly compensated "Executives." "Executive" means officers, managing partners, or any other ...

1 530. Highly Compensated Employees Starting in 2018, tax-exempt ...

Highly Compensated Employees. Starting in 2018, tax-exempt organizations and related entities may owe a 21 percent excise tax on compensation paid to covered ...

Advisors offer retirement savings workarounds for well paid employees

Highly compensated employees are those making more than $130,000 a year or who own — along with a spouse or other family member — more than ...

Saving plan contribution limit for a highly compensated employee ...

For highly compensated employees, saving plans contributions are stopping/or continue despite the limit configuration for standard and catch-up contribution ...

U.S. Supreme Court Decides Highly Compensated Employees Can ...

U.S. Supreme Court Decides Highly Compensated Employees Can Receive Overtime. A high-earning employee making as much as $200,000 per year can ...

401(k)ology: Highly Compensated Employees - Lexis Advance

The determination of who is considered a Highly Compensated Employee ("HCE") is one of the most important factors in maintaining 401(k) plan compliance.

How do I know if I am a Highly Compensated Employee?

Your HCE designation depends upon your compensation in the previous year. So, if it's your first year being in the 20% / over $130k, you don't need to worry ...

Is a Highly Compensated Employee with Executive Duties Entitled to ...

Employees, even highly compensated employees with executive duties, may be entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) where they are not ...

IRS Indexed Limits - The Standard

6 For the 2025 plan year, an employee who earns more than $155,000 in 2024 is an HCE. For the 2026 plan year, an employee who earns more than $160,000 in 2025 ...

401(k) Plans For Highly Compensated Employees - Capitalize

In this blog post, we'll discuss who qualifies as an HCE, and the unique restrictions you might face if you fit into that category.

Highly-Compensated Employees for Non-discrimination Testing

IRS Code defines highly-compensated employees (HCEs) differently for each benefit plan, so this answer depends on the type of plan and...

26 CFR 1.414(q)-1 -- Highly compensated employee. - eCFR

The number of employees who are in the top-paid group for a year is equal to 20 percent of the total number of active employees of the employer for such year.

The Dreaded 401(k) Refund: Corrective Distributions

An HCE is one who owns 5% or more of the company, a direct family member of an owner, or earns more than $120,000 per year and NHCEs make up the remaining ...

Supreme Court: Highly Compensated Employees Must Be Paid a ...

To qualify for the highly compensated employee exemption to the overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the employee must be paid a ...

Highly Compensated Employee (HCE) and 401k -

The IRS states that anyone over 155k is an HSE and there are some other rules about the 401k being top heavy with only the HCE's owning the majority of the ...