
How can I create picklist field on a object

Listbox - Headless UI

Disabling a listbox. Add the disabled prop to the Field component to disable a Listbox and its associated Label and Description ...

DataTable - React Table Component - PrimeReact

The optional global filtering searches the data against a single value that is bound to the global key of the filters object. The fields to search against is ...

Select | Chakra UI

object({ framework: z.string({ message ... Here's an example of how to compose the Select component with the Field component to display an error state.

SQL Select - Drizzle ORM

If you specify it incorrectly (e.g. use sql for a field that will ... Conditional select. You can have a dynamic selection object based on some ...

st.selectbox - Streamlit Docs

A short label explaining to the user what this select widget is for. The label can optionally contain GitHub-flavored Markdown of the following types: Bold, ...

Choices-js/Choices: A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input ...

Usage: Add choices (see terminology) to select input. Pass an array of objects: [{ value: 'Option 1', label: 'Option 1', selected: true, disabled ...

Select - MudBlazor

Blazor Component Library based on Material Design. MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for .NET devs because it uses almost no Javascript.

HTML Form Elements - W3Schools
