
In nextjs why use markdown for blog contents?

Create a Markdown Portfolio with Next.js - Noah Buscher

How to create a markdown-based portfolio site (or blog) ... It's ok to use here as the only user's content that will be rendered there is your's.

Introducing my MDX blog with Next.js and how it works

MDX is a format that allows you to include JSX in Markdown documents. This means you can import and use custom React components in markdown files.

Add KaTeX and Markdown to Next.js Blog Posts - Abigail Young

Remark - A Markdown processor with dozens of plugins. It's required to use the following plugins that do the heavy lifting. Remark Math - Remark ...

Building a blog with Next.js · How this blog works - Felix Mokross

How does the Markdown source of a blog post end up as a web page? For this task I use unified, an ecosystem of packages for transforming prose ...

Build A Blog From Markdown Files In Next.js - YouTube

In this video, you will learn how to create a blog in Next.js, where content is generated through markdown files. This means that with some ...

My new static blog using Next.js, TypeScript, and tailwindcss

... blog posts' coverUrl: 'https://path/to/your/post/cover/image.png' tags: 'nextjs,tailwindcss,markdown' theme: 'indigo' ---. Themes. By adding ...

Create an Interactive Table of Contents for a Next.js Blog with Remark

Remark is an extensible Markdown processor that simplifies the process of converting Markdown files into HTML or other formats. The key aspect ...

Build Blog with Next.js and MDX & Deploy to Github Pages

mdx file). Writing in markdown is as beautiful as it is like writing in a text file and can render as HTML tags. Besides easy export and ...

Building a Blog with Next.js and Markdown - Juan Sanchez

Next.js is a powerful React framework that offers server-side rendering, static site generation, and many other features that make it ideal ...

Markdown and MDX in Next.js - StaticMania

One of the best ways to manage rich content in Next.js is by using Markdown and MDX, two powerful formats that allow for easy content creation ...

My thoughts after migrating content-centric websites from Next.js to ...

Pros and cons · Astro has a much better support to write pages in Markdown/MDX. · Paginating content lists (like blog posts) is also much easier.

Migrating my site from NextJS to Eleventy - Sandro Roth

My blog posts are still plain markdown files and I use custom collections to render the list of posts. Thanks to layout chaining I can have ...

How to customise image layouts in Markdown with Next.js

js is in the title so that one is obvious. For this blog and content-heavy sites I build, I use Hashicorp's Next.js MDX library: ...

How I massively improved my website performance

Throughout the year I continued to write blog posts, iterate and add functionality to the site to help developers use Next.js and Contentful ...

Making of a blog: Next ❤ Markdown -

Markdown is a language I am familiar with as I use it to document code within its repository as it is supported and formatted by Github, Gitlab ...

Tailwind CSS Blog - Vercel

Version 2 is based on Next App directory with React Server Component and uses Contentlayer to manage markdown content. Probably the most feature-rich Next.js ...

Markdown Based Blog with next.js - Tim Scanlin

And finally --summaryOutput content/summary.json creates a summary file that's useful for creating and index page for your blog posts. By ...

Create a MDX Blog in NextJS 13 (using TailwindCSS)

js 13 Blog that utilises the new App Directory. It will use MDX (Extended Markdown) pages for the blogs themselves as well as TailwindCSS for ...

Building a Table of Contents (TOC) from markdown for your React blog

Since I store blog posts in a self-hosted version of strapi, I've been looking for a way to automatically generate a table of contents from ...

Build a static blog from markdown files with Next.js - w3collective

In this tutorial we'll be building a blog using Next.js with the data for each of the individual blog posts loaded from markdown files.