
Intersectionality and Normative Masculinity in Northeast Brazil

multidimensionality is to masculinities what intersectionality is

More specifically, the persuasive powers of Neuma. Aguiar, a Brazilian feminist and sociologist who headed the group DAWN, convinced me to use the word gender ...

The Border Reader 9781478027195 - DOKUMEN.PUB

Thread of Blood: Colonialism, Revolution, and Gender on Mexico's Northern ... normative masculinity learned by these men often resulted in emotional conflicts.

Intersectionality and Race in Education 0415888778, 9780415888776

Thus, a normative binary gender divide may multiply to incorporate various ... ne the boundaries of acceptable and appropriate forms of Muslim femininity.

Rethinking The Man Question: Sex, Gender And Violence In ...

This new edition aims to integrate masculinity studies and feminist theorizing by analyzing white male privilege within international relations, the role of ...