
Is rewarding a child for good grades and punishment for bad ...

Why I Don't Do Tangible Rewards or Points-Based Classroom ...

I am not saying we can't reward kids AT ALL. I am saying BRIBERY is not the way. Presenting an incentive before achieving something puts the ...

Should you pay kids an allowance for chores? - Happily Family

Alfie Kohn in his book Unconditional Parenting says, “a considerable number of studies have found that children and adults alike are less successful at many ...

What Rewarding Kids with Food Looks Like 20 Years Later

Repeatedly using food to reward and punish teaches kids the wrong things. It teaches kids that food is tied to emotions both good and bad.

ADHD And Refusal To Complete Assignments

No type or amount of punishment is going to change underlying executive functioning. It's like punishing a child for not being able to ride a ...

What's the Best Way to Discipline My Child? -

A study of children born in 20 large U.S. cities found that families who used physical punishment got caught in a negative cycle: the more ...

The Real Problem with Punishment and Reward - LinkedIn

We can see test scores improve as a result of rewarding students for their effort, and we can see behaviour improve as a result of punishing “ ...

Punished by Rewards with Alfie Kohn - Simple Wonders

Charlotte Mason advised that we shouldn't use external motivators to make children learn. She said “[grades], prizes, places, rewards, ...

Why I Don't Care if My Kids Get "Bad" Grades - Marianne Miller

We want our children to care about how they do. We want bad grades to be a motivator to try to do better the next time by studying more, or ...

Encouragement vs. Rewards & Punishment; Does it really make a ...

Adults often use rewards and punishments in attempts to motivate children to do something desired by the adults.

Go Ahead, Heap Rewards on Your Kid - Slate Magazine

In parents' exhausting journey to raise good kids, I learned, they should never, ever use rewards. ... The concern, which can be traced back to ...

My Kid's Failing School: Punishment or Understanding Needed?

Rewards are always more productive and fun than punishments. Anything you son wants can be a rewards for success and focus on his primary ...

Should teachers reward students for doing what they're “supposed ...

Beyond that, though, I was required by my district to assign HW. Therefore, I needed to hold kids accountable for doing it. I tried punishing those who didn't ...

Time In: Why Punishment Doesn't Work and Discipline Tools That Do

Children may begin to behave in ways that give them negative attention simply because they believe that is the best or only way they can get it. JS: How about ...

The Danger of Bribing Children to get Good Grades

Author Alfie Kohn, argues that rewarding your children is “morally objectionable and practically counterproductive, that the problem lies… with…

Rewards and Punishments: Papers Supporting Conscious ...

This study showed that rewards and punishment tend to focus more on penalties for bad behavior rather than encouraging good behavior and ...

School Grades: Helpful or Harmful? - The Natural Child Project

Using grades as a threatened punishment poses a danger, not just to a child's self-esteem and motivation, but to the child's opportunity to learn in a climate ...

How to Positively Handle Punishment, Discipline, and Consequences

Our job is meant to mentor, role model, and teach our children right from wrong as well as how to behave. ... poor grade. There is a cause and effect to ...

Q&A: My teen is skipping homework and failing classes

As you discover the “why,” you need to understand why rewards and punishments don't seem to work with some children, especially when it comes to ...

Parents, STOP asking about grades - Seth Perler

We want our kids to do well, we want to be happy, we want them to have good grades, because there is this idea that if our kids get good grades, then that means ...

Food Should Never Be Used As A Punishment Or A Reward

Rewards are good. There is nothing wrong with rewarding your child. We seek rewards throughout our lives into adulthood and that is what keeps ...