
Mutation of Dystopian Identity in the Age of Posthumanism

The Construction of Adolescent Female Subjectivity in Young Adult ...

with landscape with landscape to challenge typical Western markers of identity such as age and gender. ... Posthumanism sees identity as multiple, fractured, ...

A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities

posthumanism. Introduction. This paper argues that posthuman times, and the posthuman subjects of knowledge constituted within them, are producing new fields ...

Philosophical Posthumanism and Its Others - Roma Tre

Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet” (1995), in which she debated that computers affect the ways humans see themselves as humans; to her last work ...

Chapter 2 - Post-Anthropocentrism: Life beyond the Species

In my view, the point about posthuman relations, however, is to see the inter- relation human/animal as constitutive of the identity of each. It is a ...

Dissertations / Theses: 'Posthumanism in literature' - Grafiati

In order to empower adolescents, this thesis examines how the adult conception of the human in humanism disempowers adolescents. This thesis ...

Fictions and Theories of the Posthuman - ORBi

mutation of identity [away from the human as a controlling subject], to figure a new, hybrid, and science-fictional positionality from within a techno ...

fukuyama posthuman.pdf

tive age. Worst of all, they just refuse to get out of the way, not just of ... derstanding of human personality and identity; they will upend exist-.

Posthuman Geographies in Twentieth Century Literature and Film ...

fluidity of the human body and mind in a posthuman age (or film). Page 137. 129 foreshadowing of the multiple place-time identities possible in the digital age.

Posthumanism and Anthropology - SpringerLink

For some disciplinary gatekeepers, posthumanism appears a threat to the defining “subject” and identity of the field. Until recently, posthuman ...


I demonstrate how utopias written by heterosexual white Americans of the era leave marginalized identities out of their futures. ... “A Golden Age for Dystopian ...

Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction: Finding Humanity in a ...

Posthumanism does not mandate cyborgs, cloning, genetic enhancement, animal-human hybrids, mutations, advanced prosthetics, and superhuman ...

Critical heritage and the posthumanities: problems and prospects

Two core themes are picked up on here: the first positions posthumanism as that which comes after humanism, while the second decentres the human altogether.


' (Morgan, 2002: 70). Ortega severely criticizes the human condition, in other words mutated human beings, because it appears from her point of view that she ...

Biopunk Dystopias: Genetic Engineering, Society, and Science Fiction

by employing the posthuman as an extreme of human identity. the dystopian leaning of the narrative opens up the possibility of a bleak emphasis of the ...

The Posthuman Body in Monica Byrne's The Actual Star: - UiO - DUO

Brood trilogy. This thesis argues that feminist speculative narratives disrupt discriminatory practices based on identity categories like biological sex, gender ...

Posthuman Ecologies, Bodies and Identities. (2016) Directed by Dr.

Liberal posthumanists, rather than rejecting humanism, seek to extend or modify the concept given the technological age. Transhumanism is “arguably the best- ...

The Persistence of Humanist Hierarchies in Posthumanist Science ...

possibilities of a posthuman future have been an interest of humanity since ancient times. ... are the source of the dystopias that are ...

Posthuman Drama: Identity and the Machine in Twenty-First-Century ...

compares, or models their identity with networked, intelligent machines: a result of the digital age. ... period, such as dystopian science ...

Philosophical Posthumanism 9781350059504, 9781350059511 ...

... dystopian society based on genetic manipulation, selection, and profiling. ... Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. Touchstone: New ...

A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities

This paper argues that posthuman times, and the posthuman subjects of knowledge constituted within them, are producing new fields of transdisciplinary ...