
Nutrient Management to Improve Nitrogen Efficiency and Reduce ...

On-farm nitrogen management practices have global reverberations

An international team of scientists has strengthened our understanding of how better fertilizer management could help minimize nitrous oxide ...

Nutrient management: the issue | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

One half of the world's population is now thought to depend on nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers for the production of their food – much of the fertilizers ...

7. Strategies for Use in Nutrient Management - HCB-1 - ITRC

Develop actions that secure community cooperation, such as outreach and education programs. Prioritize efficient nutrient reduction strategies and the critical ...

Manure Nutrient Management

When managed properly, the nutrients in manure can be beneficial for soils and plants. When applied at rates higher than what plants can use, the nitrogen ( ...

Nutrient management | Climate Change Connection

This practice benefits both the farmer and the environment when proper techniques are used. Improving the efficiency of fertilizers should lower ...

Controlled-release fertilizers to increase efficiency of nutrient use ...

Trends in crop production (maize and wheat) in the last four decades show that N application rates increased about 15 times whereas its accumulation in grain ...

On-farm Nitrogen Use Efficiency can guide nitrogen management for ...

Participating in on-farm NUE research is a great way to improve N management in the face of rising fertilizer costs and scrutiny in reducing nitrate leaching.

(PDF) Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency—A Key for Sustainable ...

Excess application of nutrients beyond crop needs, especially nitrogen (N), is associated with losses to the environment. Environmental ...

Enhancing sustainable food systems in Europe

for Nutrient Management. Carbon farming. Balanced plant nutrition. Nitrogen use efficiency indicator. Meeting the ambition of the EU Green Deal to improve.

Nitrogen Fertilizer Management & Greenhouse Gas Mitigation ...

These management practices can also greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving profitability. The three most important agricultural greenhouse ...

Nutrient Management - The Almond Board of California

Maximizing the efficiency of applied nutrients will result in improved yields, reduced input costs and less potential for leaching into ground and surface water ...

Reducing Agriculture's Nitrogen Footprint - AgEcon Search

Improve Nutrient Management. U.S. conservation policy has tradi- tionally ... improve nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrogen emissions? Over 97 ...

Nutrients - Agriculture and rural development - European Commission

Nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous are essential for crops. Nutrients can be applied through commercially produced mineral fertilisers, as ...

Strategies for improving nitrogen use efficiency: A review

fertilizer management can simply be defined as reduced various losses and maximize the amount of nutrient made available for crop (Ladha and ...

OEFI - Nutrient Management - CDFA

Soils in California used for growing food crops lack sufficient amounts of nitrogen. Therefore, synthetic and organic (e.g., manure) nitrogen fertilizers are ...

New ERS Report on Nitrogen Loss and Conservation Policy

For the remaining cropland, improvements in management are needed to increase nitrogen use efficiency (i.e., reduce the amount of nitrogen ...

Reducing Your Dependency on Nitrogen Inputs - YouTube

Profitable Nitrogen Efficiency Management | Reducing Your Dependency on Nitrogen Inputs ... Precision In-season Nutrient Management for ...

Manure & Nutrient Management -

Crops grown for silage or greenfeed respond well to manure application to increase nitrogen levels. Legumes (such as alfalfa) can fix their own N and especially ...

Nitrogen management and the future of food: Lessons from ... - PNAS

Both air routes and water routes connect nutrient systems across large distances. Denitrification, mineralization, and nitrification all produce nitrogen gases.

Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan, March 2015

The use of precision agriculture has the potential to increase production and nutrient use efficiency, thereby reducing nutrient leaching potential and/or ...