
Op|Ed Writing

Writing Op-eds - Communications Toolkit - UC ANR

Writing Op-eds. What is an op-ed? ... Op-eds became a reality late in the 20th century, seen by newspapers as a way to give people a chance to write opinions, ...

How to Write an Op-Ed - AAUP

Most newspapers accept submissions for op-eds (opinion columns) of varying lengths (check submission guidelines for word count).

Examples of great opinion/editorial writing? - Ask MetaFilter

Books, websites, anything that I can read to help my writing get better in the op/ed capacity... I'm currently publishing my own mixed ...

Op-Ed Writing Guide - Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs

“Op-ed” is an abbreviation of “opposite the editorial page” – the space where newspapers typically publish analytical and explanatory articles called “op-eds”.

Op-Ed Writing in 9 easy steps.pptx - Housing Narrative Lab

The Art of Writing Op-Eds. In Eight Steps. Page 2. What is an op-ed? ○ A piece of writing published in a media outlet that expresses the opinion of the author ...

Tips on Writing an Op-Ed - Unitarian Universalist Association

Read other op-eds to get a feel for how they are constructed. Generally they are written in the 5 paragraph with three talking points format: 1. The first ...

How to Write an Op-Ed (17 Quick Tips for Acceptance)

One of the best ways to gain credible visibility and recognition for your ideas is to develop a strongly focused opinion piece, known in the newspaper trade as ...

How to Write an Op-Ed

Focus tightly on one issue or idea -- in your first paragraph. · Express your opinion, then base it on factual, researched or first-hand information. · Be ...

How to Write an Op-Ed Piece | Schubert Center for Child Studies

Op-eds are short opinion pieces written for local or national publications. Writing an op-ed piece is an excellent way to present your views on child-...

A Guide to Writing Op-Ed Articles ⋆ Leah Abuan Milne, PhD

Want to write an op-ed - i.e., a short article aimed toward the public? Here's something I learned from the good folks at the OpEd Project.

Writing a slam-dunk op-ed | Resource Media

Writing a slam-dunk op-ed. An op-ed – shorthand for “opposite the editorial page” – is a column written by someone not on the news staff of that paper and is ...

What is an op-ed? – Using Research to Support Scholarly Writing

Op-eds are designed to be read and responded to by American voters, thus they are designed for a “popular” audience, not an academic/”scholarly” one. More on ...

Sample WR 120 Assignment: Op-ed | Teaching Writing

Use, or adapt, the following to structure an op-ed (or “guest essay”) assignment as an alternative genre assignment to an academic paper in WR 120 or another ...

The How and Why of Op-ed Writing | CURA Strategies

Below, we break down the why, when and how to write an op-ed with examples of placements we've landed for our clients in the past.

How to write an op-ed that will get published | Media First

An op-ed can be an excellent way to showcase your expertise and thought leadership to millions of people. They can help you persuade, influence and change ...


The prompt: Write a 300-500-word blog post or op-ed for a mainstream news outlet about an issue you care about, preferably related to your research interests.

How to write an op-ed - Grand Canyon Trust

An Opinion Editorial, also known as an “Op-ed”, is a timely persuasive article that provides readers with a clearly expressed opinion on a current issue.

How to write an Op-Ed article? | CW Authors

An op-ed is usually written by a single author, but can be written by more than one, and is often written by people with specific expertise, ...

How to write a letter to the editor or op-ed on science topics | AGU

Follow our quick tips for how to write a letter to the editor or an op-ed and raise awareness of or promote/defend Earth and space science in the news.

33. Opinion Writing and Op-Eds - CalState-Pressbooks Network

An op-ed, by the strictest definition, is a medium-length piece (~500 words) solicited by the publication to oppose the position of the editorial board.