
Social Transfer Programs as Non|Spatially|Targeted Methods of ...

Social Work and Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America.

The programs use a range of targeting methods to ensure that benefits effectively reach the poorest households. Most CCT programs divide the targeting process ...

Do Conditional Cash Transfers Affect Electoral Behavior? Evidence ...

Thus comparing recipients and non-recipients will conflate the impact of the program with pre-existing differences, such as poverty, that also affect electoral ...

Cash Transfer Programs as a Safety Net during COVID-19

Cash transfers are by no means a new policy tool; they have proven effective to prevent households from falling below subsistence levels in various settings.

Anti-Poverty Programs in Developing Countries - DSpace@MIT

For example, in Indonesia, the conditional cash transfer program called PKH targets roughly the bottom 7–10 percent of households (the. “very poor”), but those ...

Social Transfers and Chronic Poverty: Emerging Evidence ... - GSDRC

Geographic or community-based targeting are ways of specifically targeting the poorest households, for example the poor urban dwellers in China or the war- ...

Social transfers

Social transfer schemes in the West have generally become more selective and punitive over time, turning universal programmes into means-tested support and ...

Evaluating the Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs

Abstract In many developing countries, conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs have a significant social impact. They seek to combat poverty through ...

Educational Impacts and Cost-Effectiveness of Conditional Cash ...

CTR is the ratio of non-transfer program costs to total program transfers. ... For PROGRESA, PRAF II, and Red de Protección Social programs, cost-transfer.


NASSCO, at the federal level, coordinates all social protection interventions, including the Targeted Cash Transfer (TCT), the. Youth Empowerment and Social ...


“Payments by a governmental unit to an individual under a legislatively provided social benefit program for the promotion of the general welfare that are not ...

Targeting Practices and Biases in Social Cash Transfers

Social cash transfer (SCT) programmes involve direct financial support to vulnerable households. Vulnerability, as a social condition, is often correlated ...

NSF Award Search: Award # 1123993 - Collaborative Research

Collaborative Research: Effects of Social Transfer Programs on Cognitive, Social, and Economic Outcomes ... By targeting the transfers to poor households, the ...


s. Distribution costs for CTP are usually lower than those for food or non-food items. Transfers of cash also eliminate the possibility that program participant ...

The effect of a disability-targeted cash transfer program on universal ...

With a quasi-experimental study design, we compared the outcomes between CT beneficiaries who newly received CT benefits during the study period ...

Corruption prevention strategies in cash transfer schemes

Social cash transfer (CT) programmes provide basic social protection in the ... programmes include targeting methods, payment modalities and ...

The diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfer programs in the Americas

Another possibility is that countries may be more or less capable of implementing new social sector reform. CCTs require bureaucratic systems to determine the ...


In 2012, Mercy Corps Mali worked to meet emergency food needs and build resilience through a one- year cash voucher program targeting 12,000 of the most ...

How Funding Sources of Cash Transfer Programs Can Affect ...

Direct cash transfer programs are becoming increasingly popular across the US. Privately and publicly funded cash transfer proposals and ...

The targeting effectiveness of social transfers - IDEAS/RePEc

Popular targeting mechanisms include means tests, proxy means tests, categorical, geographic, community-based and self-selection. This paper reviews empirical ...

Cash Transfers: Targeting

of social transfer programmes. Programmes that include many individuals or households that do not need support are deemed to be a wasteful use of public ...