
The Origins of Young Earth Creationism

Must All Evangelicals be Young-earth Creationists?

As a boy growing up in a fundamentalist church, I was taught that God created the heavens and earth some six thousand years ago.

Young earth creationism and really old living things - Randal Rauser

In the early 1990s I shook off the young earth view in university. ... My further steps toward an evolutionary model of human origins were ...

Should Christians favour creation or evolution?: 4 different ...

Some believe in Young Earth Creationism, which states that the Universe was created in six literal days about 6,000 years ago. Other Christians ...

Creationism Embattled yet Resilient: A Redirect

Many scientists in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries wanted the earth to be young, they assumed that it was, yet their scientific ...

Revisiting the Scopes Trial: Young-Earth Creationism ... - MDPI

In the century since the Scopes Trial, one of the most influential dogmas to shape American evangelicalism has been that of young-earth creationism.

Old Earth Creationism and the Fall: A Summary of The End of ...

Interestingly, young-earth creationism has orthodox theology on its side in insisting that all evil in the world, both natural and moral, is the ...

6 Reasons Christians Should Embrace Young Earth Creation

These include the immediate creation of everything in six normal days, a Fall that brought corruption and death into the universe, and a global Flood that ...

Creationism's Geologic Time Scale | American Scientist

The earth sciences in particular face a newly focused assault from the fundamentalist camp. Until recently the claims made for "creation science" as an ...

Biological Reasons Young-Earth Creationists' Worldwide Flood ...

Like the geological evidence, biological evidence demonstrates that a worldwide flood never happened 4,350 years ago, as young-Earth creationists believe.

Creation Studies | Liberty University

The Center for Creation Studies is an interdisciplinary education and research institute committed to the study of the origin of the universe, the earth, ...

Exposing the Roots of Young Earth Creationism

YE creationism teaches that the earth and its life-forms were created about 6000 years ago, and that most sedimentary rock layers were deposited in a single, ...

Pat Robertson rejects 'young earth' creationism. 'Nonsense,' he says.

'Science Guy' Bill Nye debated creationist Ken Ham this week. Now, televangelist Pat Robertson says he disagrees with the biblically ...

In the beginning – a young earth creation narrative - Gap Theory

According to gap creationists, God created the heavens and the earth in Gen 1:1, but we are not told when or how or exactly what happened.

Is Young-Earth Creationism a heresy? Absence of short-lived ...

Conversely, our argument was based on the presence of 14C, although if JM's old-Earth dogma were right, it should be absent. But even if God did create 229Th, a ...

Why Are Regular Baptists Young Earth Creationists?

We believe in young earth creation because we believe in the authority of Scripture. Since the Bible is the Word of God (1 Thess. 2:13), we are obligated to ...

(PDF) Adventist Origins of Young Earth Creationism -

In the first part of this book, it compares the Young Earth Creationists (YEC) interpretation of geology to the rocks of a study area that includes Texas, New ...

A Look at Scientific Creationism

Most creation scientists are "young earth" creationists (5). They believe that the universe was created in a period of six twenty-four hour days. Thus, many of ...

Creationism - New World Encyclopedia

The former infers from evidence in nature that the Earth is many millions of years old, and it interprets Genesis to mean that God created the universe and ...

Furthering the Dialogue on Creation: Some Thoughts on Doug ...

But there is a tendency among young-earth creationists to obscure from visibility this middle-ground, intermediate position, such that the ...

Is Young-Earth Creationism Another Gospel? - Navigating by Faith

Not only is young-earth creationism as a litmus test for faith very modern (young); its root are found in the prophetic visions of Ellen White.