
The Third Mission of the university

The Strategic Role of the Third Mission in Universities: A Concrete ...

Subsequently, the main aspects of the Third Mission (TM) of the University. Page 4. European Scientific Journal, ESJ. ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e ...

The Third Mission of universities and the Role of Higher Education ...

A study about the role of the Third Mission of universities was analysed conceptually and based on a case study of the region of Vienna.

The Research University Hof asks: What actually is a "Third Mission"?

Third Mission, this new third pillar alongside teaching and research, aims to take the activities of science even further out of the academic sphere and into ...


In highlight, the terms third mission (8), universities (7), intellectual capital (6), performance measurement (6), indicators (4), higher education (3), ...

Defining and Delivering the University's Third Mission

European universities have accepted, traditionally, two main missions: teaching and research. Recently, another mission is being considered to ...

exploring the outreach of the top ranked universities in BRIC

Abstract: This study aims to understand the relationship between the third mission of the university and university ranking. In particular it explores the ...

Analysing higher educational institutions' role in fulfilling their third ...

This study was oriented towards addressing the third mission of universities ... Analysing the influence of university's structural configuration ...

Universities' Third Mission and Social Responsibility

Universities must be engaged with their region and contribute to the well-being of the local society as part of their so-called third mission.

“The third mission of the university in the context of war and post-war ...

From a historical point of view, universities were assigned two pri- mary missions after the academic revolution of the 19th centu- ry, which is ...

Governance of the Third Mission at a Multi-Campus University

This book appeals to higher education scholars from various disciplines and practitioners looking for an overview and in-depth insight into ...

Third Mission / Impact - ANVUR

The evaluation started in 2011 within the framework of the first round of the Evaluation of Research Quality exercise, VQR 2004-2010 where Third Mission has ...

The Third Mission in the Academic Profession:

In line with the growing relevance of higher education and science for societal development and innovation processes, there has been a steady ...

Reinventing the third mission of higher education in Germany

& go beyond the first two missions of universities (teaching and research);. & use resources linked to the core tasks of the university, such as knowledge, ...

Strategic Session on EHU's Third Mission Activities

The session started with an introduction to the “Third Mission” concept that represents a significant evolution in the role of universities, ...

University museums and the Third Mission: the project “Young ...

University museums and the Third Mission: the project “Young people for culture” in the Museum Laboratory of Education of Bologna University. Chiara ...


The study offers a comprehensive examination of the global experience in the implementation of the Third Mission, encompassing diverse ...

The University's Third Mission [English] / up2date

The knowledge transfer office at the University of Bremen is responsible for the third mission universities have alongside research and teaching.

Third mission of University - Faculty of Forestry

The third-mission is realtion between university education and society beyond the first (education) and the second (research) mission; the new double role of ...

The third mission of universities, key strategy to materialize ... - PCT

In our current times, generating the correct perception and diffusion of knowledge within university environments becomes fundamental to ...

The Strategic Role of the Third Mission in Universities: A Concrete ...

In light of its inclusion among the evaluation criteria of universities and teachers, the Third Mission (TM) is the new future frontier in terms of local and ...