
Using do loops in R to create new variables

FAQ: How can I create variables A1, A2,...,A10 in a loop? - MathWorks

In this case, you end up with the variable s, a structure, containing fields specified by the strings stored in the cell array names. Now, if ...

Functionals - Advanced R.

From this code, you can see that lapply() is a wrapper for a common for loop pattern: create a container for output, apply f() to each component of a list, and ...

In a for loop, how do I assign a table of values to a new variable for ...

I am trying to create a divided differences table for a set of data of depth n, specified by the user. I am not sure how to create and assign a new variable ...

How to (and how not to) loop in R - RPubs

This tutorial provides a brief introduction to using loops in R. It gives you an idea of how they work, and demonstrates that they are in fact really slow.

R: Working with named objects in a loop | Coded Ocean

To do this, I make use of the get(), assign(), and eval() functions in R. To start, I often define a vector of variable names, like: where the…

R while Loop (With Examples) - Datamentor

In this article, you will learn to create a while loop in R programming ... Failing to do so will result into an infinite loop. In the next iteration, the ...

Create, modify, and delete columns — mutate - dplyr

... creates new columns that are functions of existing variables. It can ... can use mutate() to # remove variables and modify existing variables.

Making New Variables - :: Environmental Computing

To demonstrate a few of the commonly used functions in R for doing this ... You can use transmute if you want to drop the original variables. These ...

1.4 Creating new variables in R -

So the 'agecat[age<20] <- 1' statement will assign the value of 1 to the variable agecat, only for those subjects with age less than 20 (over- ...

Loops in R

There are many times when one needs to do essentially the same calculation over and over again, perhaps thousands of times -- or more. When writing any program, ...

Lesson 18: Generating Data With Do Loops - STAT ONLINE

write an iterative DO loop to tell SAS to execute a statement or a set of statements a specified number of times; tell SAS to increase the index variable in an ...

Name Variables in for-Loop Dynamically in R (2 Examples)

Example 2: Applying assign Function in for-Loop ... As you can see based on the previously shown output of the RStudio console, we created three new variables on ...

For loops in R: a tutorial on how to simplify your code ... - YouTube

For loops get a bad rap in R. In this tutorial, I'll share they syntax for writing a for loop and how we can use a for loop to simplify our ...

loop to repeat specified number of times - MathWorks

valArray — Create a column vector, index , from subsequent columns of array valArray on each iteration. For example, on the first iteration, index = valArray (: ...

BuiltIn - Robot Framework

They can be accessed using special variable syntax ... For example, these are typically equivalent and create new suite level variable ${name} ...

Effective Go - The Go Programming Language

... statement, it's common to see one used to set up a local variable. ... This means a user of the data structure can create one with new and get right to work.

Pivot data from long to wide — pivot_wider - tidyr

Instead of names_sep and names_prefix , you can supply a glue specification that uses the names_from columns (and special .value ) to create custom column names ...

Naming Items in a For Loop in R - YouTube

I introduce the paste0() function and the assign() function and then show how to name items iteratively within a for loop in R. For more R ...

Lambda expressions and anonymous functions - C# reference

You can't use statement lambdas to create expression trees. Input parameters of a lambda expression. You enclose input parameters of a lambda ...

Snippets in Visual Studio Code

Project-folder snippets are created with the New Snippets file for ' '... ... How do I have a snippet place a variable in the pasted script? To have a ...