
What are the biggest drivers of tropical deforestation?

Deforestation in Brazil | Belgian Platform on Earth Observation

Why do we destroy the rainforest? In a country as vast as Brazil, the causes of deforestation are diverse and vary according to the economic, political and ...

Up to half of tropical forestland cleared for agriculture isn't put to use ...

Agriculture is the primary driver of tropical deforestation, accounting for 90% or more of forest loss, yet researchers have found that up ...

How Animal Agriculture Is Accelerating Global Deforestation

Beef is the leading driver of deforestation, and the global demand for meat is projected to continue to grow in the coming decades. According to ...

Why cattle ranching is the biggest deforestation driver in the Amazon

This advance through the native forest has been driven, primarily, by cattle ranching. In 2021, these livestock operations alone accounted for ...

Tropical deforestation drivers and associated carbon emission ...

Integrating information on the spatial distribution of deforestation and forest carbon stock density into emission factors will provide more ...

EU consumption responsible for 16% of tropical deforestation linked ...

The EU is the second biggest importer of deforestation after China. · Between 2005-2017, soy, palm oil and beef were the commodities with the ...

Our 10 myths about deforestation - WWF-UK

While growing demand for wood and timber represents a big threat to the world's forests, in fact the biggest driver of deforestation is agriculture.

How Cattle Ranching in Brazil Could Lead to the End of the Amazon

In Brazil, deforestation is largely driven by human activity, specifically agriculture. Cattle ranching and soybean farming are the main drivers ...

Tropical Deforestation in South America | Conservation Blog

According to the World Wildlife Fund, “The second biggest driver of tropical deforestation is soybean production.” In fact, global soybean ...

What are the causes of deforestation in the Amazon?

Ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in the Brazillian Amazon. Ranching involves clearing an area of rainforest then rearing cattle on the land.

Drivers of Deforestation anD forest DegraDation

In. Africa and (sub)tropical Asia it accounts for around. 1/3 of deforestation and is of similar importance to subsistence agriculture. Mining, ...

21 Startling Deforestation Facts And Statistics - Emission Index

Around 80% of total deforestation is caused by agricultural production. Forty-four thousand animal species are on the IUCN Red List and are threatened with ...

10 Things You Can Do to Protect the Rainforest

Besides agriculture, logging and mining are leading causes of deforestation and river pollution in the tropics. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining is the ...

Global consumption driving tropical deforestation - Terra Daily

International trade with agricultural and wood products is an increasingly important driver of tropical deforestation.

The urgency of action to tackle tropical deforestation

In this first-of-its-kind report, we present an overview of the current situation of deforestation, the drivers behind the loss of forest in ...


the primary causes: 1. Agricultural Expansion: One of the leading causes of deforestation in tropical rainforests is the conversion of ...

The political economy of deforestation in the tropics - LSE

Tropical deforestation accounts for almost one-fifth of greenhouse gas emis- sions and threatens the world's most diverse ecosystems. Much of this defor-.

Despite Global Pledges, Tree Loss Is Up Sharply in Tropical Forests

In Ghana, the country that lost the biggest proportion of its primary forest last year, small-scale clearing for cocoa production was a major ...

The Impact of Deforestation on the Amazon Rainforest

Clearing land for ranching is the single largest driver of deforestation, accounting for nearly 80% of forest loss in some regions. Over 200 ...

Drivers of Deforestation: In the Tropics, Urbanization Plays a Key Role

Urban population growth and agricultural trade pressure forests in different ways in different regions of the world. For example, in the African ...