
main_package — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Health Checks — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

This plugin hook allows you to add more health checks to conda doctor that you can write to diagnose problems in your conda environment.

Auth Handlers — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

This plugin hook allows attaching requests auth handler subclasses, eg when authenticating requests against individual channels hosted at HTTP/HTTPS services.

Subcommands — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

The conda CLI can be extended with the conda_subcommands plugin hook. Registered subcommands will be available under the conda command.

models — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Models are data transfer objects or "light-weight" domain objects with no appreciable logic other than their own validation.

freebsd — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Created using Sphinx 7.4.7. Analytics Dashboard. Built with the PyData Sphinx Theme 0.15.4.

fetch — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Notices network fetch logic. Functions#. get_notice_responses (...) Provided a list of channel notification url/name tuples ...

archspec — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Created using Sphinx 7.4.7. Analytics Dashboard. Built with the PyData Sphinx Theme 0.15.4.

io — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Logging formatter with additional attributes for run time logging. ContextDecorator. Base class for a context manager class (implementing __enter__() and __ ...

helpers — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Collection of helper functions to standardize reused CLI arguments. Functions#. add_parser_create_install_update (p[, prefix_required]).

constants — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Created using Sphinx 7.4.7. Analytics Dashboard. Built with the PyData Sphinx Theme 0.15.4.

Integration Tests — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Integration tests in conda test the application from a high level where each test can potentially cover large portions of the code.

requirements — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

class RequirementsSpec(filename=None, name=None, **kwargs)#. Reads dependencies from a requirements.txt file and returns an Environment object from it.

adapters — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Created using Sphinx 7.4.7. Analytics Dashboard. Built with the PyData Sphinx Theme 0.15.4.

lock — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Record locking to manage potential repodata / repodata metadata file contention between conda processes. Try to acquire a lock on a single byte in the metadat ...

compat — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

isiterable (obj). shlex_split_unicode (to_split[, posix]). Utf8NamedTemporaryFile ([mode, buffering, newline, ...]) isiterable(obj)#.

pip — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

DEPRECATED: Use conda.env.installers.pip instead. Pip-flavored installer.

decorators — conda 24.9.3.dev45 documentation

Decorator to cause a method to cache it's results in self for each combination of inputs and return the cached result on subsequent calls.