
[0710.5611] Universal cycles for permutations

[0710.5611] Universal cycles for permutations - math - arXiv

A universal cycle for permutations is a word of length n! such that each of the n! possible relative orders of n distinct integers occurs as a cyclic interval ...

Universal Cycles for Permutations - arXiv

arXiv:0710.5611v1 [math.CO] 30 Oct 2007. Universal Cycles for Permutations. J Robert Johnson. School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary ...

Universal Cycles for Permutations

The Cayley graph with generators σn. / σn-1 has alternating cycles of length four. If C is a Hamilton cycle, then the arcs on each 4-cycle satisfy: (i) both ...

Tackling the Minimal Superpermutation Problem - Bosker Blog

... 0710.5611.pdf). A “universal cycle” is a cyclic ... universal cycles" makes the problem different than the "cyclic superpermutations".

Search | arXiv e-print repository

Multicolour Ramsey Numbers of Odd Cycles ... arXiv:0710.5611 [pdf, ps, other]. math.CO ... Abstract: A universal cycle for permutations is a word of length n!

Universal cycles for permutation classes - Archive ouverte HAL

We define a universal cycle for a class of $n$-permutations as a cyclic word in which each element of the class occurs exactly once as an $n$-factor.

British Combinatorial Bulletin 2010

... Permutations generated by stacks and deques. Ann. Comb. 14 (2010) 3-16. http ... Berestycki, N. Page 62. E. -cycles. Preprint. mergence of giant cycles ...

On a Greedy Algorithm to Construct Universal Cycles for Permutations

Abstract. A universal cycle for permutations of length n is a cyclic word or permutation, any factor of which is order-isomorphic to exactly one permu-.

Universal cycles for permutation classes - Hal-Inria

Abstract. We define a universal cycle for a class of n-permutations as a cyclic word in which each element of the class.

Shortened Universal Cycles for Permutations - Bernard Lidický

Abstract. Kitaev, Potapov, and Vajnovszki [On shortening u-cycles and u-words for permutations, Discrete. Appl. Math, 2019] described how to ...

Products of Universal Cycles - UCSD

LHM, HML, MLH, LMH, MHL, HLM. Thus, each of the six possible relative orders (or permutations) appears exactly once. This is an example of a universal cycle for ...

Shorthand Universal Cycles for Permutations - Alexander Holroyd

An SP-cycle nanb···nz is 'periodic' if its 'sub-permutations' a,b,...,z equal Π(n−1). We prove that periodic min-weight SP-cycles correspond to spanning trees ...

Shorthand Universal Cycles for Permutations - Computer Science

A shorthand universal cycle for permutations (SP-cycle) is a circular string of length n! whose substrings of length n-1 are the shorthand encodings of P(n).