
1. Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, 1958

1. The sovereignty of a State extends, beyond its land territory and its internal waters, to a belt of sea adjacent to its coast, described as ...

1. Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone - UNTC

Model Instruments, Titles of Treaties, League of Nations Treaties, Status of treaties (1959-2009), Registration & Publication, UN Treaty Series, Monthly ...

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone

The Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of 1958 is an international treaty which entered into force on 10 September 1964, one of four ...

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone. Done at ...

1. The sovereignty of a State extends, beyond its land territory and its internal waters, to a belt of sea adjacent to its coast, described as ...

1958 Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone

1958 Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone ; Date of Adoption, 29/04/1958 ; Place of Adoption, Geneva, Switzerland ; Secretariat / Relevant ...

Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone - Britannica

Other articles where Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone is discussed: international law: Maritime spaces and boundaries: The 1958 ...

Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone - Oxford Academic

' This provision is modelled on Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Territorial Sea Convention which states that: 'The sovereignty of a State extends, beyond its land ...

UNCLOS I 1958 - Law of the Sea and the UN Conventions

In 1949, the International Law Commission selected both the regime of the territorial waters and that of the high seas as topics for codification.

Maritime Zones and Boundaries

Reg. 11906 (June 15, 1972)), consistent with the 1958 UN Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone. In 1999, eleven years after President Reagan ...

Australian Treaty Series 1963 No 12 - AustLII

1. The sovereignty of a State extends, beyond its land territory and its internal waters, to a belt of sea adjacent to its coast, described as the territorial ...

International Law Studies | Vol 53 | Iss 1


33 CFR Part 2 Subpart B -- Jurisdictional Terms - eCFR

(2) Unless otherwise specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, territorial sea means the waters, 3 nautical miles wide, adjacent to the coast of the United ...

Chapter 2: Maritime Zones – Law of the Sea - edu.tufts.sites

Unlike the territorial sea, the contiguous zone only gives jurisdiction to a State on the ocean's surface and floor.3 It does not provide air and space rights.

LIS No. 120 - Japan: Straight Baselines and Territorial Sea Claims

Annex I Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone ... (1) of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the. Contiguous Zone 15 U.S.T. 1606, T.I.A.S. ...

Convention on the High Seas

1. In order to enjoy the freedom of the seas on equal terms with coastal ... within the territorial sea or the contiguous zone. If the foreign ship is ...

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone

Registration Date, 22 November 1964 ; Citation, UNTS v. 516 (p.205) ; Registration Number, 7477 ; Subject Terms, Territorial Sea-Contiguous Zone Convention, ...

5 The Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone - Oxford Academic

According to Article 2(3) of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC), a coastal State's exercise of rights in the territorial sea is 'subject to ...

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (1958)

Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (1958). Date of ... 1 /. This feature requires a subscription. Get access to the most extensive ...

chapter iii: the 1958 geneva convention on the territorial sea and the ...

CHAPTER III: THE 1958 GENEVA CONVENTION ON THE TERRITORIAL SEA AND THE CONTIGUOUS ZONE ... 1 · Join our mailing list. Special Issues: Annotated Supplement to ...

Territorial waters - Wikipedia

States cannot exercise their jurisdiction in waters beyond the exclusive economic zone, which are known as the high seas.