
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Rely on CSS Variables

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Rely on CSS Variables

CSS variables are now available in the form of custom properties and are meant to reduce repetition in CSS as well as aiding with runtime effects and CSS ...

CSS Variables are a Bad Idea - Aaron Gustafson

But any browser that doesn't understand the variables would never get the color values because browsers follow the rules of fault tolerance in ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CSS variables?

The only disadvantage that I can think of is the added complexity of having to use or write a pre-processor, and appropriately manage the ...

Why CSS Needs No Variables - Jens Oliver Meiert

You usually don't have only colors in your CSS, you have other properties, and for different element, event with the same color those properties ...

Why should or shouldn't you use CSS Preprocessors? Use cases?

... are? And also, I don't know if I won't use CSS Variables just because it's not supported by one browser. Upvote 1. Downvote Reply reply

Confusion with CSS variables - The freeCodeCamp Forum

The reason CSS variables are declared in the root element is so they are available in the global scope, which means you can call those variables everywhere in ...

Pros and cons of CSS variables. | PRISM⁵⁵ - Prism55

The biggest limiting factor is CSS itself. Whilst things like calc can handle most dynamic property values using variables, this isn't always ...

Why adding variables to CSS is a good thing - Friendly Bit

People will give up on CSS when they encounter floats (yes, I've seen this), not when they find CSS variables. They can just choose not to use ...

How to use CSS variables and the 3 reasons why you ... - YouTube

Hello and welcome to this video on CSS variables, here we are going to explore what they are, how to define and use them and the reasons why ...

CSS Variable Manager Feedback - Feature Requests / Improvements

The valid naming for a CSS variable should contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes. Also, it's worth mentioning that CSS variables ...

So, Can We Use CSS Variables Yet? | WDD - Webdesigner Depot

One problem with this is having multiple media queries and lots of variables which are kind of related but not. I could use maps for the ...

Why We're Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS - DEV Community

So by using new CSS variables with CSS modules to create locally scoped overrides you can still create runtime themed styles. Yes your "frontend ...

What is the uxp css var name for this color?

2. it probably doesn't exist, and you probably shouldn't rely on it either way. one helpful resource i came across while developing my theme ...

Why Native CSS Variables Will Be A Good Addition - Vanseo Design

First is to question whether variables are necessary in css given that we have variables in css preprocessors. The idea being that we shouldn't ...

Why We're Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS - DEV Community

Note: CSS Modules also allow you to colocate styles with components, though not in the same file. 3. You can use JavaScript variables in styles.

Why I Don't Use CSS Variables - ITNEXT

One of the most useful aspects of CSS Variables is that web developers don't need to keep rewriting, calculating, and hard-coding values as ...

[css-variables] Substitution of invalid variables into other variables

A declaration can be invalid at computed-value time if it contains a var() that references a custom property with the guaranteed-invalid value, ...

Conditions for CSS Variables - Roman Komarov

I'll start from this: there are no conditions in specs to use with CSS variables. I think that this is a really big flaw in specs, as while ...

3 things about CSS variables you might not know - Patrick Brosset

A CSS variable is, basically, any text you want. Because a variable can be used anywhere a value would go, it doesn't have any strong typing at ...

Generating Shades of Color Using CSS Variables - Jim Nielsen's Blog

And you get a green background. It seems a little counterintuitive because the browser somehow knows to grab 3 fallback values as a single value ...