
A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform

A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform - Heldermann-Verlag

We present a duality principle for the Legendre transform that yields the shortest path between the graphs of functions and embodies the underlying Nash ...

A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform - CiteSeerX

We present a duality principle for the Legendre transform that yields the shortest path between the graphs of functions and embodies the underlying Nash.

A duality principle for the Legendre transform. - Semantic Scholar

Summary: We present a duality principle for the Legendre transform that yields the shortest path between the graphs of functions and embodies the underlying ...

A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform - ResearchGate

We present a duality principle for the Legendre transform that yields the shortest path between the graphs of functions and embodies the underlying Nash ...

Duality and the Legendre transform -

In the case of N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, this coincides with the duality transform on the low energy effective action considered by Seiberg and ...

Duality and the legendre transform - CORE

Yang-Mills theory, this coincides with the duality transform on the low energy e ective action considered by Seiberg and Witten. This Legendre transform.

The concept of duality in convex analysis, and the characterization ...

For background on the Legendre transform and its many applications, see, e.g.,. [Arn], [Ho] and [Ro]. The following theorem shows why it is, in some sense, the ...

Legendre transformation - Wikipedia

Specifically, if a real-valued multivariable function is convex on one of its independent real variables, then the Legendre transform with respect to this ...

Legendre-Fenchel transforms in a nutshell - NC State ISE

A convex function can always be written as the LF transform of another function. (This is not true for nonconvex functions.) Theorem 10. f∗∗(x) is the largest ...

The Legendre Transformation in Modern Optimization

The Legendre transformation (LET) is a product of a general duality principle: any smooth curve is, on the one hand, a locus of pairs, which ...

A Brief Primer on the Legendre Transformation

The Legendre transformation is a powerful mathematical tool that has the potential to convert one set of variables to another.

Duality and Legendre transformations (Chapter 2)

The reversible Legendre transformation is also called the Legendre dual transformation. It is important for both practical and theoretical reasons. On the ...

Why is the Legendre transformation an application of the duality ...

The Legendre transformation gives you the value of the y-intercept if you give it the slope. So the Legendre transform is a plot of b(m) vs ...

Complex Legendre Duality - Weizmann Institute of Science

and now let us jump to the very end of this lecture: Theorem (Lempert '18). Roughly speaking: The complex Legendre transforms are the.

A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform and the Valuation of ...

We present a duality principle for the Legendre transform that yields the shortest path between the graphs of functions and embodies the underlying Nash ...

11. Dualization

A major class of nondifferentiable functions with nice behavior under the Legendre-Fenchel transform consists of the convex functions that are piecewise linear ...

The Legendre Transformation in Modern Optimization

Application of the duality principle to a strictly convex f : R → R, leads to the Legendre transformation (LET) f∗(s) = sup x∈R. {sx − f(x)}, which is ...

Duality and the Legendre transform - NASA/ADS

In the case of N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, this coincides with the duality transform on the low energy effective action considered by Seiberg and ...

Making sense of the Legendre transform | American Journal of Physics

The Legendre transform is a powerful tool in theoretical physics and plays an important role in classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics.

Duality and the Legendre transform - Inspire HEP

We define a weak-strong coupling transformation based on the Legendre transformation of the effective action. In the case of N\es 2 supersymmetric ...